Tuesday, October 09, 2007


(2006) ***1/2

I was really on the fence about giving this one 4 stars, but decided - based on the rating system examples - that it was more "great fun" than "brilliant" horror. But fun it definitely was!

One of the things I really liked about this movie is that you actually really care about these characters. The writers did a great job of creating the backgrounds of these people in a short amount of time. The nice guy Chief of Police who forever carries a torch for Starla, who is married to Grant Grant. Yes, that is his name. He is an older, wealthier resident and most do not understand the union. However, we come to learn that there is love between the two.

That is until poor Grant becomes the initial host for the alien who has landed in the woods and he starts to stockpile meat and animals that he is killing. He impregnates a local girl by sticking these tentacle things in her stomach and the scene where she "gives birth" is naaaaasty. And funny. She unleashes these gross giant bloody slug looking things that totally grossed me out. They get into you through your mouth - totally made me have a gag reflex in one scene. Yargh.

So all the people who have swallowed the worms turn into zombies and start killing everyone else and feeding on them. We learn however, from a girl who manages to tear one out of her mouth before it takes her over (the gag me scene), that they all share a mind and experiences with Grant. The mind meld thing means that they all love Starla. The scene of all the zombies "running" down the street after the car with her in it yelling "Starla" in true Marlon Brando fashion is a hoot. We also find out that the alien they are dealing with basically takes over entire planets and kills everyone off.

There are some nice gruesome episodes throughout this movie. Although not super scary, there were a couple of real gross out shots where I was averting my eyes. I just enjoyed this movie so much - is that okay in Horrorthon? The characters were saying and doing the kind of smart things you want people to do when faced with all this crazy shit. A great ride.


DKC said...

Just checked out last year's reviews. Guess jsp isn't going to side with me on this one.

At least I didn't mention the Air Supply song.

AC said...

great review!

hmm, i HOPE it's ok to enjoy a horrorthon movie!

JPX said...

I really dug this movie because it reminded me a lot of old-school horror in terms of plot and FX. Nice review, DCD!

AC, I laugh every time I see your avatar.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. They shoulda called the military.

AC said...

thanks JPX! i'll be mixing it up but the avatar will always be Bubbles.

DKC said...

I have been trying to change my avatar for a week and I can't do it! Octo said he was having the same problem. It just doesn't take the new URL - really frustrating!

Thanks for the kind words all!


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...