Time for a made for TV movie. Lucky me!
This little treasure is about moooooths froooom spaaaaace. Its sponsored by the Scifi channel and it is truely the epitome of poo.
It is about an astronaut who gets hit by teeny meteroids and one punctures through his suit and goes kapowee! right into his skin. The main male character Medical NASA doctor is called Geronimo and the main female character Entomologist is called Savannah. If the exotic nature of these names doesn't turn you off of this movie, I tried my best, and failed. So anyways, they run some tests on the meteoroid specks and it turns out it has lifeforms in it, moth life forms to be specific. Moths grow out of the astronaut and fly free, free into the world. The moths first take host, in Detroit, in a really annoying redneck guy with an even more nasal wife. Redneck man ends up being main mothman. Unsurprisingly, we don't care about any of these characters.
One by one the mutants take host in certain bodies and other bodies get eaten. It has to do with blood type. Boring. Lots of technical stuff gets said about bugs, and more people get their innards sucked out of them by human-moth people. All things said and done, the main conclusion is that the moth-people are multiplying and need to be a special number to be able to spread further than Detroit.
Then there's a really amusing scene where Savannah's brother Matt and his girlfriend Peg end up coincidentally camping exactly where the mothpeople are having their gathering. They also end up coincidentally looking for a place to camp at night when the moths are having gathering. Mattie and Peggie find dead corpses in the forest. Freaked out, Matt stupidly leaves Peg alone and runs into this barn to find a phone. Right. Tons of zombie moth people are going "Unnnghhh" and in the center there's this moth cocoon airbag thing with a hand trying to get out of it. Matt being the MENSA man that he is shuffles his way to the coccoon. Peg scared to be alone, walks into the barn, buuut the mothpeople suddenly decide to take interest in humans again. Matt escapes but Peg is "Unnnghh-ed" away.
Uh-OH the government is involved. Too many people are dying and the government has found out why. So have America's allies! These American allies want to nuke Detroit. Now the real question is, what allies? (giggle)
There is now a deadline of 48 hours before, and yes I kidd you not, those silly men at the NSA want to blow up the whole of Detroit, innocents included, so that the allies don't do it before them. More MENSA allumni!
The rest I shall not give away because it is tear inducing, and why would I want to make you cry?
So yes, watch it if you're bored, writing a review about a better movie at the same time, eating very distracting food and have your significant other talking to you about their interesting work related issues.
Sounds like it was at least aptly named!
Anas, if you start a review and save it, I would recommend copying it, deleting the draft and then post anew. Otherwise it might get buried down the page as this one did.
Isn't Geronimo the same actor who played Krycek from X-Files?
yes to the x-files mention. And funnily, its one of the selling points on the back to the DVD case
did the back of the dvd also mention the selling point that the movie is the epitome of poo?
LOL, adp!
That review cracked me up - "Geronimoooo..." classic.
"Epitome of poo" is perfect. Great review.
I love that the big dilemma of this one is whether or not to save Detroit. Seriously, who cares?
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