I find this oddly comforting after the recent deaths of Estelle Getty and my mom's dog Abby:
(AP) Now that their feud is up in smoke, Cheech and Chong are high on plans to reunite for their first comedy tour in more than 25 years.
Details of the "Hey, What's That Smell?" tour are still being finalized, according to concert promoter Live Nation.
Wow! I never thought we'd see this happen. I hope they get good writers. I must confess, I've probably only seen one of their films, if that.
Up in Smoke is really the only one worthwhile and even that's debatable.
Paul Reubens offers up some interesting outlandish performances in Nice Dreams and Next Movie.
Has anyone seen the 2nd Harold & Kumar movie?
I think I laughed twice during the first one.
re harold and kumar #1, husband almost asphyxiated himself laughing during the cheetah scene. would love to know about harold and kumar #2.
Everyone agrees that the best stoner movie ever is Friday, right?
love friday, haven't seen it in many years. this thread suggests a new competition: stonerthon! maybe a weekend long affair? i could even win because i wouldn't get high, so i'd be more efficient about movie watching and review writing.
Love the idea AC but unfortunately there aren't enough watchable stoner films in existence.
The utterly unacceptable Half Baked comes to mind.
have you seen the friday sequels?
I respectfully disagree, I thought Harold and Kumar was hilarious and I just copied the sequel, although I haven't watched it yet.
Two recent popular movies I didn't laugh at that the rest of the world seems to find hilarious are Knocked Up and Superbad. Both felt too long, I thought the characters were unappealing, and I thought some of the scenes went on far too long to be funny. In Superbad, the scene where the geek attempts to buy liquor felt like 15 minutes. I think I've stated previously that I didn't "get" the whole Napoleon Dynamite thing either.
I also thought Harold and Kumar was pretty damn funny. If for Neil Patrick Harris alone! I have not seen the second though.
I thought Superbad was okay, but definitely one of those where the build up I had heard kind of made the actual movie a let down. I never saw Knocked Up because Katherine Heigel gives me a rash.
PS - I am totally in for stonerthon.
agreed, dcd, neil patrick harris stole the show. glad you like the stonerthon idea.
johnny sweatpants, since when do "watchable" and "_______thon" go together?
i myself am slated for a bad movie minithon next saturday: xanadu followed by showgirls. brrrr. if i don't survive the experience, please remember i love you all and want to be buried in a natural cemetary and/or used as zombie fodder during the apocalypse.
Yay, Xanadu! Xanadu's so-bad-it's-good saving grace is the Olivia Newton John songs. Yep, I said it. I still ike that damn "Have to believe we are magic..." song.
I was also gong to suggest the Sgt. Peppers movie, but it's essentially unwatchable (see also The Monkees' Head).
sgt peppers' was also on the short list. never saw "head." i like the song "xanadu" and a handful of other elo songs as well, especially "shine a little love." i still love newton-john's "magic" too.
AC, "Magic" video,
ok it just occurred to me that Stonerthon is an excellent idea and we should totally do it.
AC to answer your question 10 comments ago - I saw Next Friday and was mortified at its piss-poorness. Couldn't bring myself to take on the 3rd one. And as for your question 5 comments ago - touché.
So what does everyone say - Stonerthon mini-competition this weekend? Friday-Sunday watching period? Reviews next week?
WARNING: The following comment is not intended to offer anything new or interesting. Its sole purpose is to increase the number of comments on this post so that you bloggers say "Whoa - 19 comments?! Wonder what that's all about! Stonerthon, eh? Count me in!"
thanks jpx!
lol johnny sweatpants! i love how the very idea you summarily rejected, you are now backing with 1000% enthusiasm.
most of all thanks for saving me from the experience of watching next friday or friday after next.
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