Yesterday, a surprise clip shown at Comic Con gave attendees their first glimpse at Disney's sequel to Tron. Besides revealing that Jeff Bridges was willing to reduce himself to reprising his role, the most insanely stupid title ever was unveiled.
From iwatchstuff, Can you guess which of these ridiculous options it is? (Hint: it's far more ludicrous than the Fast and Furious title, including all the fakes ones I made up.)
- Tron 2.0
- Trn
- 2ron
- Tr2n
- 2222 2 (Tron 2)
- Tron.blogspot.com
- YouTron
- Tron's MySpace Account
- 2 Tron 2 Tronious
- inTRONet
- Tron. You know, Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner... Tron! Ask your dad or something.
Wait - shouldn't there be a link with the real name? Or do they not know and they're just playing with us?
I know the real name, I'm waiting for people to weigh in...
Alright, I'll bite. I am voting for "2222 2 (Tron 2)"
OMG!! My MOST hated thing! Using numbers for letters. ARRRGGGHHH!!!
why does this thread remind me of flight of the conchords' binary solo from "robots"?
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