After meeting the very cool Miko the other night I was left with a feeling that I had seen him before, but I couldn't place it. Today it hit me, Miko is Dante from Clerks!
First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...
awesome jpx. if "mrs hick" in the first photo resembles the swede we may have a really spooky thing going on....
It "hit" you only because I noticed it Observation Thief!
Well that kicked my neurosis into high gear...I despise that comparison and it has been made a few times since I gained weight in the past two years.
I am going to look for a new blog now, where nobody knows what I look like and where I won't be dumb enough to suggest a meeting....
i prefer the following interpretation: our miko looks like a movie star!
I agree, ac, Dante's the shit! Miko, you are so hard on yourself, perhaps ac will give you some free therapy =)
Well I hope you're proud of yourself JPX. If Miko has indeed hit the road in search of a new blog home I'm blaming you!
Nah, he'll be back, they always come back.
Besides, we love miko.
i can't give miko free therapy because i already consider him my friend. but he is awfully hard on himself. maybe i can debate the issue with him over beer? is that unethical?
Bah, where would I go?
I will take AC up on the beer, but the self-hating is more a shtick than an actual thing with me.
I will use this as motivation to hit the gym with the old fervor, so keep the photo for comparison sake.
I really did have a good time, so now we just need to know when the
West Coast crew is coming so we can organize an all-out Horrorthon festival. (Guns, booze, movies, music, LEGOs, toys, CGI cars, let's bring it all!)
Oh, I love us. Totally hectic day at work, dealing with dinner and children who won't go to bed, husband who hogs the computer...
But it's all worth it, to finally get here and laugh my ass off!
yay, miko's back ! we do love miko.
miko, were you on the blog last october, or will this be your first year competing in the horror movie contest (aka our raison d'etre)?
I was a peeping Tom last year, observing but not reviewing.
I now officially have an addiction problem. I actually got out my Blackberry and started to log on to the blog as I drove back to Pennsylvania.
"Hi, my name is Miko, and I am a blogaholic."
were you blackberrying as you yourself were driving the car? if so i'm going to yell at you.
I began to do so while driving, then called myself an idiot, and ceased the moronic behavior. So I self-yelled...
thanks for the reassurance. listen to any music on the ride home?
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