From comingsoon,ComingSoon.net caught up with DreamWorks Animations CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg on Tuesday and learned that George Lucas is looking to repurpose the six "Star Wars" episodes into 3D format.
Katzenberg told us that Lucas is very excited about it and that he's got the technical resources to pull it off. "He isn't going to put a product out, I think, that isn't anything other than first rate," Katzenberg said.
Stay tuned for possibly more on this soon.
Thanks JPX, now I have a fucking headache...owwwwww. Hurted my eyes.
It is annoying, isn't it?
Don't you have 3D glasses? I do.
I really do.
I do not. Actually, I can't remember the last time I saw a 3-D movie.
I only have 3D glasses because they came with some DVD set I purchased long ago (I think it was the Nightmare on ElmStreet box set).
true confession: i stole 3d glasses from my 9-year-old nephew when the dandys launched a 3d website a while back. karma must be gearing up to give me a mighty kick in the ass for that transgression.
AC, I love that you counsel people AND steal 3D glasses from 9 year olds.
BTW: Welcome back! How was the family get together? How was nature?
thank you miko for always appreciating my evil side.
reunion was great, nature was awesome except for the whole mosquito/deerfly thing that seemed to intensify the latter half of the week. i got in touch with my inner tomboy and built blazing bonfires, ran around barefoot, hiked, grilled veggie dogs over the open fire, etc., etc. it was just like alton jones summer camp back in the day. totally relaxing.
AC, sounds great, except for the "veggie" dogs. Is the Veg-lifestyle for health reasons or more a PETA-like choice? (or possibly none of my damn business)
guess i set myself up for that one. after being on and off veg since i was thirteen (the veg onset story is elsewhere on the blog) and somewhat confused myself about the reasons, a couple of years ago i figured out if i can eat well without killing things that would be just fine with me. basically i am very tender-hearted and don't like the idea of animals being hurt and killed. i think most people should be omnivorous and that is fine with me too, i just wish the animals were treated better. however, i think many of the peta people are dicks since they are violent, self-righteous, and judgmental.
on vacation, my nephew (the same one) actually nommed one of my veggie chorizos and loved it. :)
What about fish? Surely you couldn't deny yourself a glorious slab of tuna from time to time?
I feel guilty eating salmon now that they suspended fishing for it off the coast of California.
...but not guilty enough to prevent me from enjoying it with a little fresh dill! Jeez, it's 8:30 AM and I'm already thinking about dinner.
sorry to disappoint, johnny. i do consume dairy and eggs but not fish.
had a fab gourmet veg meal out last night, so i'm not suffering. these days most good restaurants can do something yummy for the likes of me.
OK, whenever I tell this story, I end up sounding crazier than usual, but here goes...
I started hunting a few years ago for the same reasons AC. (I know, crazy, keep reading) I saw a show on animals being killed in meat processing plants and was disgusted. I found the idea that I was put off, but still ate meat, a little shameful. I decided that if I wasn't willing to be a part of the process, at some level, I wouldn't eat meat at all.
So I hunt, I don't eat veal, (I grandfathered in Angelo's in Providence) and I try to eat free range everything else. I guess it's my version of the Israel compulsory military service...if you're gonna enjoy it, you have to do some of the dirty work.
So....analyze at will, AC/JPX...
sorry miko, that story just makes me love you more. jpx can analyze you at his convenience once he returns from the arctic or wherever.
awwwww shucks, thanks AC
so if you don't mind talking about it, do you hunt with a rifle, a bow, or your bare hands and mad martial arts skills?
Well, I take a bow for a lovely walk in the woods each year, I don't know if you call it hunting...
So, both bow and rifle seasons.
I don't mind talking about it, though I believe that only people who made the decision you did AC have the right to give me crap about it. I actually had someone tell me they didn't approve of hunting while we were having dinner and they were eating a steak. I just sighed, 'cause if they didn't see the oddity of that statement at that time I wasn't gonna make any headway.
Final point, I DO NOT trophy hunt. I don't get killing something for the sake of hanging its head on your wall, but to each his own. (I did have a conversation with a Black Bear about this last year. He was crossing the same space I was, and I informed him I didn't want to shoot him, but 15 yards was a little too close for me. We went our separate ways BTW)
Diatribe over.
Damn, that bear encounter must have been very tense! At least it wasn't a grizzly. I have no problem with hunting and I feel strongly about knowing where your food comes from. I just never had the yearning to take it up as a hobby.
I love archery and used to have a mean shot...
I still don't quite grasp the moral reasoning for not eating meat. Cows for example would never have survived as a species if they weren't desirable to us. The evolutonary exchange was made. I feel much worse for the mountain lion who serves no useful purpose to us and is therefore facing extinction.
miko, i wouldn't dream of giving you crap (not about this anyway)and in my opinion you don't need to feel defensive about hunting, especially given your approach and rationale.
JSP, I had one of those moments where you say the perfect line, and nobody but the bear was there to hear it.
When we were eyeing each other up and I had the rifle on my shoulder, I said "I don't want to kill you, and you don't want to be dead". Perfect...damn, nobody heard it...
(Bonus points for naming the movie that line was originally from)
So now JSP, someday when we get together, we'll really white-trash it and do a little shooting and archery.
Princess Bride.
So what is it then? I thought you were quick to respond Miko. Clearly I misjudged you.
No, but I know what line your thinking of.
LOL, indeed, I was a little slow on the uptake there JSP.
My roommate is vegan, literally from head to toe. She eats only vegan food, and uses vegan shampoo and soap. She’s been a vegetarian her entire life and decided to make the change to vegan the beginning of the year.
Many people think she's crazy, but I totally respect her for it. She's a huge animal rights person, and after some of the stories she told me I have at times considered making the change, but I can't live without a cheese. I have switched to vegan butter, but only because it tastes better. If you haven’t tried Earth Balance I would urge you to, it is awesome.
She never gives anyone a hard time about eating animal products, and she surprisingly is really easy to go out to eat with. She can usually find at least one thing on the menu.
i haven't to my knowledge met a truly pleasant and reasonable vegan but it is good to know they are out there, whirlygirl.
Whirlygirl your roomate sounds like a total ass. (Just kidding!)
I too consider myself an animal rights person but eating meat is one of life's greatest joys! You just have to distinguish between grass fed, free range cows and those that spent their entire lives in disgusting CAFO's.
AC did you read In Defense of Food? I liked it but I ruined it by listening the audiobook. The reader had a real snooty, condescending air to him and so while I agreed with everything he said I ended up spending too much energy wanting to punch the guy.
Whirly, I have great respect for the discipline required to remain that vegan on a daily basis. Your friend is right, the things that happen to animals from the farm to the plate can be horrific. I support a large percentage of what PETA does in regards to making the lives of animals better. Good for her.
It sucks, I can't be a member of anything because everybody is just a little too extreme for me. I quit the NRA because I just can't support their opposition to ANY gun control legislation. Just call me "middle of the road".
Is anyone else amused at how far we can get from original posts? We are the kings/queens of tangents!
I just noticed your new "look" Miko. Scary as hell. Who is that?
And another thing - we never got closure on that movie quote!
That sir, is General William Tecumseh Sherman, for whom my son is named (his middle name is Tecumseh).
The movie was Silverado, line delivered by Danny Glover with his Henry rifle on his shoulder.
johnny, i read the final couple of chapters of "in defense of food" and am looking forward to reading the rest. that is hilarious about the audiobook! i too am picky about audiobook voices and have had similar experiences. best of all were some audiobooks husband downloaded from some sketchy but cheap site, in which the audiobooks were recorded in english by non-english speakers. good times.
love our tangents miko, hope it isn't pissing anyone else off (since i am among the most guilty of tangenting).
miko, my dad has always pushed silverado but somehow i've never seen it. do you recommend it?
AC, I do. It had a great cast (Scott Glenn, Kevin Costner, Danny Glover, Kevin Kline, Brian Dennehy, John Cleese, Jeff Goldblum), and a classic Western feel. There are a few problems with it, but easily overlooked in all the gunfights.
So you read books backwards then AC?
Miko - I think that's the first time anyone's ever called me "sir"! Thanks man!
thanks miko, i'm on it. that is one helluva cast.
not usually johnny sweatpants! i was flipping through the book to see if the author and i would agree for the most part (we would), something caught my eye, and i just kept reading. i would never do that with a novel of course.
Well, I missed all this...AGAIN. Although I don't have much to say on the vegetarian front, never having had the desire to limit my food in that way. However, this (see first post) might make me change my mind!
Also, I am a big fan of the movie "Silverado" and second the recommendation.
dcd, thanks for backing up the silverado posse. it totally goes on the list.
that link is hilariously disgusting. those ads made beef look awfully tasty before i read the blogger's commentary. not any more.
What the hell is going on here? 3D Star Wars people, 3D Stqr Wars!
see what happens jpx without your steadying presence!
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