PS - the one shot she took of all of us was so blurry it was pointless to even put it up. Thanks everyone for a great time!
First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...
That's some damn fine shootin' guys! I'm beginning to believe you are Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Thanks for posting the pictures - I knew that the waitress would screw up the group shot!
I agree with JPX you guys are hot!
I look like a deer caught in headlights in that first picture.
DCD, I did some research on asylums today. There are several I'd love to go to but they have either been demolished or renovated. There are still plenty more, but there appears to be tight security, one of them the police even booby trap the place. There appears to be a high risk of getting arrested, but you’re Mrs. Smith, right, and if we can't out run them I can't see why we couldn't at least talk ourselves out of trouble. I can be quite charming when I need to be.
I've also been researching forts, old cemeteries, abandoned jails and schools. Some of these are less high risk. There are some really great looking asylums in MA and CT with horrifying histories. I’m going to take out a stack of books from the library this week and reads up on them.
I'll email you info later.
Is it wrong that I am so proud that I taught two people who had never held handguns before, and basically had all kill shots on a silhouette target? (Seriously, all center mass and headshots, textbook.)
DCD, will pay somehow for those pictures. I will at some point remember something horrible from your past....(jesus, my hands are the size of JPX's head)
ok miko you brag (rightfully so) about training dcd up to sharpshooter status, then threaten to reveal something from her past? please explain that strategy (but first reveal something horrible from dcd's past that will push thoughts of landshark's "procedure" out of my head).
damn i'm up past midnight again.
Honestly, even if I could come up with something, it probably doesn't behoove me to start an embarrassing story war with someone who knew me in my teens...
DCD, could you please take those pictures down now?! (perhaps begging will work)
You are up late again, AC, good for you.
Holy crap! The bullet holes!
Holy crap!
Miko, relax, you look great. Love the beard. Last I saw you your hair still hung below your ears.
And if you want strange size comparisons, next time you see JPX look at his ears. They're freaky small!
fyi, i'm reading the zombie survival handbook --- those body shots will work when you're taking down a perp, but remember, headshot is the only way to take down a zombie.
miko, next time you take them back, you're going to have to help them simulate panic. it won't be all fun and games when zombie-octo is chasing them down.
Back in the, before I got fat and started to look like the guy from Clerks days, they used to make us run sprints flat out, THEN, shoot. It was supposed to simulate panic situations.
To get really technical, we used to work on a technique that was two to the chest quickly (to kill or slow, if they are wearing armor, or zombies), then a longer-aimed shot to the eyes (where the skull provides the least protection).
So the next time, I am taking you through your paces!!
not so fast miko. what's this about long hair? were you a hippie before you joined the military?
If they are wearing zombies? What?
Octo, I was writing quickly before driving back to PA, YOU knew what I meant. (Although wearing zombies would totally freak out your enemies.)
AC, you can ask Octo and DCD, but I don't think hippie is a description anyone ever used for me. I would say the "longer" hair would just be an example of teenagers being idiots.
hmm, i may need to see a photo to draw my own conclusion.
I vote that Miko, or someone else, posts a picture of Miko with long hair.
Also, I think it would be fun if we all posted a picture of ourselves when we were younger. It could be from any age we choose.
One, I pray that no such pictures exist outside of my mother's house anymore.
Two, as a tech-tard (not politically correct, sorry, it such went well together) how would one put a "real" picture on the web without a scanner?
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