In the old days, when Miko lived in Virginia, and just after he got out of the military, he would host a "White Trash Sunday" once a month. This involved going to the local shooting range, preferably with friends who had never been, then out for BBQ at the local rib-joint.
Miko figured, "why not bring the joy of "White Trash Sunday" North?" So....since AC has plans Wednesday, and DCD indicated Tuesday or Wednesday were best, and Whirly has more free time then a Republican candidate in Berkeley, how about a abbreviated "White Trash Tuesday"?
Given that this will have to be after work, and the spot is centrally located (meaning it isn't close to anyone) how 'bouts Miko takes you all a'shootin', and we skip the BBQ for now? Right there in the "Peoples Republic of Massachusetts" is one of the nicest ranges I have been to.
Go to www.americanfirearmsschool.com
A nice, though time-consuming, part of the range is they will give each of you a 15-20 minute beginners class before you shoot. Miko has taught many, many people how to shoot, so please do not be intimidated. While I joke on the blog, I take this VERY seriously and will teach you accordingly. Prices are located on the website, this isn't exactly cheap; it will cost us each around 35-40 bucks.
I am sorry for the short notice, and mid-week schedule, but Miko's foray into New England was last minute. If we can't all get together I will understand, and realize that nobody likes me, and I have no value as a person (no pressure).
Awesome idea, miko, but I'm afraid I'll havt to pass due to both $ and distance considerations (because of a lot of concerts, movie-going and the purchase of costly toys JPX has overspent his entertaiment budget this month). I'd love to go shooting with you some day though, sounds like a blast =)
i will have to be tentative almost no matter what the plan, but this is what i can say so far: tuesday i get done around 6:30pm in boston so could get down to north attleboro perhaps 7:30, depending on traffic. i can easily unload my eagles ticket if the plan turns out to be for wednesday, and likewise would then be done in boston around 6:30pm. thursday or friday i could probably rearrange my schedule to end earlier, so if that is at all possible for dcd (and the rest) i could go wherever/whenever is best for others.
I feared this was too much on short notice. Perhaps a more casual get-together? Food, coffee, beer, wine?
Surely, food and drink are outside the entertainment budget JPX.
That way we can all meet in person, without firearms for the first meeting. AC, thanks for the offer, but we couldn't let you miss your concert. (I for one, am not interesting enough to justify the sacrifice.)
Let me know all, casual Horrorthon get together.
food coffee beer wine works for me. let me know when and where and i will do my best to get there, yosemite miko.
i have to admit i'm slightly disappointed that firearms won't work out tuesday, since i would be coming straight from yoga and was looking forward to the contrast (normally i would absolutely skip yoga to meet you all but one of the class members is subbing for the usual instructor and i already committed to being there for moral suppport. plus a mellow, centered ac with a gun is better than the alternative).
I would have wanted to be there to see the look on the faces of your fellow yoga practioners when you told them you were heading to the shooting range.
If nobody else can make it even for "casual tuesday" AC, you and I can still shoot stuff (with your hubby's approval)....
miko, i'm not sure the yoga class needs that info, despite the undoubtedly entertaining expressions that would result. shooting things sounds like a perfect back-up plan, but i'm also betting more of the gang can commit to casual tuesday.
Hey guys, I could certainly meet for drinks if others are up for it, however I don't wish to be the reason that you guys don't go to the shooting range. I guess I'll wait for others to weigh in.
Alright DCD and Whirly, what's the haps?
Okay, just talked to hubby and he would be into the shootfest if that is still happening. But now I'm not sure if that is happening.
So, we could be up for whatever - as long as we can get someone to watch the kiddos. Which I will work on either way so we are in for whatever is the group decision!
My weigh in:
I'm not really much for guns, so I could certainly pass on that, but since many of you are into it I definitely think you should go and then JPX and I could meet with you all after for food/drinks/coffee. What do you think?
why not defer guns till another time and just all hang out together over food and drink for this historic occasion?
Hey, I was wondering if we are firm on meeting on Tuesday? I ask because I have a friend begging me to go to a poetry reading with her at 10pm Tuesday night.
whirly, i suspect even if we do meet tuesday evening, you may be free for that 10pm poetry reading (some of us have early bedtimes). if we do change it up, i'm available thursday or friday night (since miko won't let me miss the eagles concert) but i think that would be hard or impossible for dcd.
I like Whirly's idea, but not the idea of Whirly missing her poetry. If we do guns with AC, DCD and R, then out for some lovely beverages adding Whirly and JPX, we wouldn't be done by 10.
(Damn, I do love the idea of taking newbies shooting though.)
Whirly, I am putting this all on you.... I would be happy to get together for food/beverages as a stand-alone or after guns, it all depends on the import of the poetry. I am sorry to rest it on your shoulders…well…not really.
(On a side note, I am laughing as I write, watching a tan Cocker Spaniel repeatedly trip over her own feet and walk into furniture.
Nervous in the car = a shitload of Xanax = unable to walk upon arrival)
I think you all would have a blast shooting and should do it if all the shooters are on board. I’m fine with missing poetry and JPX and I can meet up with you later. Poetry is my least favorite of the written arts anyway and there will be many more future readings but probably not so many horrorthon get-togethers.
So the final weigh in? Some are going shooting? And then the whole crew gets together for drinks?
How many questions? Can I ask? In one post?
my thought was that we interested gun newbies can go to the range with miko another time; that if we do shooting first, drinks/food after given my timeline (and need to get back to boston) i would probably only have time for guns and therefore miss seeing jpx and whirlygirl altogether. since all the new england horrorthonners can actually get together (which is amazing at such short notice, all credit to miko) meeting everyone would be my vote. but as always i will bend to the will of the majority. :)
miko, are you "here" already?
AC, yeah I am here now. (Staying at friends house in Johnston, then hotel in Norwood for a couple nights.) The fam is going to the beach the next couple of days, I am working...it's fun being the "responsible" one.
Final agenda. DCD, bring the man and we will shoot stuff early (6PM sound good?), we will be done around 7:30 just as AC arrives and gets a whiff of gunpowder to tantilize her for next time. Then all of us (AC, Miko, DCD, R) can caravan to a destination of the locals choosing for food/drink with Whirly/JPX.
I believe this addresses the issues of DCD/R wanting to shoot AND AC getting back to bed in time for Butter Pecan ice cream and a video of the Best of Lawrence Welk. (It's easy for a guy who works 3000 miles from his boss to make fun of people who have to get up early.)
Can I just say that I'm really disappointed that I'll be missing out on shooting the shit out of shit with Horrorthonners? Damn Miko, if you ever come back to my neck of the woods I'm totally ready.
What's the matter with the rest of you? Reading these comments is like watching someone try to herd cats.
genius plan miko and lol johnny sweatpants!
and thanks for the lawrence welk notion, miko, that's going on your subliminal 311 cd.
JSP, we won't have to wait for my once every 5 year trips to the left coast. One of these holidays when you come back to RI and I am here adding another horror to the internal reel of holiday fiascos my fam is famous for, we will get together and let the lead fly! Nothing like shooting shit to get in the holiday mood...Silent Night my ass.
Things are insane at my work today. Miko, I will call you when I get out so we can set up details for shooting. I'm leaving drink rendesvous ideas to those who live closer to Providence!
JPX/Whirly, lead us as you will...
We will probably want to get something to eat, but a bar with greasy bar-food is good for me. Just so long as they have greasy vegetable products for AC too.
no worries, i always find something to eat. even steakhouses serve veggies and bread. locationwise may i vote/request providence or parts north?
dcd and miko, when i get home i'll email you both my phone numbers so if the plans change you can call me (i'll be away from computer tomorrow 4:30pm on). if i don't hear differently, i will plan to fetch up at the shooting range in north attleboro at 7:30 or thereabouts tomorrow evening. none of the shooters know what i look like so i will keep an eye out for dcd, the impossibly young-looking redhead. masks off indeed! :)
Sounds good AC. Providence is fine with me too, I am heading back your way as well, for some meetings in Boston on Wed.
I have a suggestion for a place. It's not exactly Providence, it's in Pawtucket just a little over the Providence line. It's called the Blackstone and it's located in the Hope Artist Village, which is a converted old mill.
DCD, this is where Charlie's Playhouse is located.
I've never been to the blackstone before. I actually just poked my head in there last Friday when I was at an art show in another part of the mill, and it seemed like a cool place.
It's free Jazz Tuesday, but the food menu is limited, just pizza and bar appetizers. I have no idea how the pizza is, but it did smell pretty good when I walked through there the other night.
Here's a link if anyone wants to check it out:
Or I can suggest places in Providence – east side, downtown, Federal Hill? Anything outside of Providence I can’t help you with but maybe JPX could pick something.
Somehow the link got cut off so let me try again.
wtf! ok, i'll try again.
Somehow the link got cut off so let me try again.
I don't know why it doesn't work. It is making me crazy. Let me try giving you what comes after the ".com"
Ok, clearly I rode my bike up too many hills today, and I'm tired and not thinking straight. All you need to do it go to:
I got there Whirly. Looks good.
I do have one question. What do I call shooting, then off to a Jazz Night in an artist's mill? That doesn't seem particularly white trash anymore...
blackstone would be fine with me! thanks whirlygirl for the legwork.
You're welcome, AC.
Miko, well, no not really, but there are pool tables so you could still be shooting.
Hope one of you jerks brought a camera!
There will be no pictures of the fat man!! Post-military, fat Miko does not pose for photos, and WILL take your film....
AC, we will be at the range at 6PM tomorrow, so if you decide to say "screw it" to your health and flexability, and join us for guns, that's where we'll be.
Whirly/JPX, should we meet at 8PM at Blackstone? I will try to turn down the country music as I pull into the parking lot, so the Jazz folks don't hear it and prohibit my entry...
or flexibility....
8pm is fine with me and JPX will do whatever I want.
johnny, if it's any consolation for your missing out on this fine evening (i know it's not) i will be steadfastly listening to "so's'" whilst trapped in traffic on rte 95 between boston and providence tomorrow evening.
miko, it's not about health nor even flexibility (though both are fine), it is the pledge i made to my friend to attend this particular yoga class. i hope i can count on you to include me in future gun opps?
miko and dcd, i emailed my contact info so lemme know if you do/don't get it.
Wait, what?
Got your info, AC and look forward to seeing you at the range. (Hee)
I had missed the discussion about the place, but spoke to miko tonight and when he mentioned it I wondered if that was where we went for the toy trial. Cool, I will have some vague idea of how to get there. Luckily hubby's phone has GPS.
Whirly, I will call you if we are delayed by a shooting accident!
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