Yes, I have a very sweet ticket to see CSN tomorrow night in Boston. I saw CSNY the last time they toured and Stephen Stills solo prior to that, but have a particular fondness for this lineup. I grew up listening to CSN, and Stephen Stills is a guitar genius, so a positive musical experience is anticipated. I will post a review after the show, and do hope to break the Horrorthon trend of getting groped at the concert, especially given the presumed average age of the audience.
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes encore, please!
Very exciting, AC! I can't wait to read your review. I do hope you can break the groping trend, though it would make for an even more entertaining review.
Maybe you could be the groper instead of the gropee? Just sayin.'
thanks ladies. i'll report back either way, whirlygirl. dcd, your point is well taken, but i may save my groping energy for the dandy warhols concert, where the audience will be younger and hotter, and any horrorthon attendees could witness the spectacle (and bail me out afterwards).
whirlygirl, since you have been an avid concertgoer, i've been meaning to ask you to name your top 5 live shows or bands when you have the time. if anyone else wants to post on the subject i'd be very interested. it is music friday after all!
Have a great time AC. I agree with you that there won't likely be any grope-worthy people of either sex but we'll see!
Have you heard the new single by the Faint by the way? I'll email it to you if you like. I'm going to try and catch them in San Francisco. They're a helluva lotta fun live! DCD - I bet you would like them too. They are very heavily 80's influenced but still manage to sound ahead of their time. Amazingly they're from Omaha.
Also everyone should be getting their Summer O' Sufferin' cds in the mail today or tomorrow. I can't stress enough how much this collection of songs has maintained my sanity. I must have listened to it 100 times in the past week alone.
cool johnny sweatpants! let me see if they are on rhapsody first. aren't 311 from omaha? i got your cd in the mail today and am dying to cancel patients to listen but i suppose that would be unethical. you can count on me to post my thoughts as soon as i have a chance to listen carefully.
All you have to do is force your patients to listen to my mix as part of their therapy. Actually that's just a terrible idea. That's why you're the doctor!
The Geeks Were Right is the name of the Faint song. I just checked - the closest they're coming to you is the Worcester Palladium on Wed 8/20. Not the best time or place for a gig...
Other recent songs I've been lovin' - Love is Noise - the new single by the Verve and No Sex For Ben by the Rapture.
AC, you'll steal from your nephew, but not cancel patients? Interesting priorities. lol
thanks johnny. i have the cd on now kinda quiet, and am totoally grooving to it. i am becoming more selective about locations for shows, because sucky venues can really detract from the experience. i tend to go to concerts by myself alot which is usually fun but can at times be stressful, sketchy, and/or borderline dangerous (the first time i saw the dandys, in philly, comes to mind). worcester is right out.
miko, stealing from my nephew was a one shot deal. other than that i haven't stolen anything for a looooooooong time. i don't even cheat at monopoly anymore, that's what a moral person i am.
johnny, is track 4 flight of the conchords? if so, where did the track come from?
Yeah that's from the Flight of the Conchords album which I highly recommend. That song makes me chuckle every single time. I like the show and all but the album is in a league of its own!
I hear you about Worcester, nothing but miles and miles of sketch bags to be found there. Is it me or is Worcester the most dismal place in New England?
Wow AC, Worchester and Philly, were you doing a "crappy cities" tour? Everything in Philly is sketchy, remember they are the only city that has a courtroom presided over by a judge DURING home NFL games.
JSP, I can't come up with anywhere bleaker in New England, you have to go to Jersey City to get the nearest same feeling.
i prefer philly to worcester and both to jersey city. johnny where do you go for shows these days? san francisco? yeah miko if i'da known you then (and known the sketchitude of the dandys' philly venue) then i would have hired you as my bodyguard for sure. i must say, the concert was so amazing it was totally worth the threat to life and limb. it is in my top ten lifetime shows.
cool johnny i will check out the new conchords album. love those boys. are they touring again any time soon? i am sad i never saw them before they got big.
AC, I'm tough, but I'm not "Philly Tough", much like SouthEast DC there are areas of Philly I ain't even close to brave enough for.
I guess New Haven is kind of an armpit too. Haven't been to Jersey City and don't plan to anytime soon!
Honestly all of the best music venues I've been to in my life are in San Francisco - The Fillmore, The Great American Music Hall, The Warfield, The Independent, Slims and the Greek Theater (in Berkeley) are all ideal venues for their respective capacities. The Fillmore is the best because of its rich history and wall to wall decorations of trippy posters from previous gigs.
Oakland is probably a mixture of all the aforementioned shit cities (or "shitties") combined with along with a generous dose of Hell-on-earth. Parts of it at least.
JSP, I shall be using "shittie" for the remainder of my life...thanks.
Also, on my weekly emotionally sensitive note (I only allow myself one), it's nice to have you back posting all regular-like.
Why thank you Miko, nice to be back. I didn't post last week 'cuz I took the week off to get high and feel sorry for myself. (Just kidding - I never feel sorry for myself!)
i should have guessed that miko; i know you're brave but i also know you're not stupid.
johnny, sounds like i need to plan a san francisco based music vacation one of these years. despite having been to the bay area a few times i've never seen shows at any of those venues. when i went out for the grateful dead new years shows in (i think) 1987 they played oakland, one of your armpit shitties.
i'm just loving the summer o' sufferin' mix, johnny!
Thanks AC! I'll compose a breakdown of the songs once everyone gets nice and cozy with it (or utterly repulsed by it).
By the way, that first song is a straight forward woman-hating anthem that I had no choice but to include. I hope you can all let it slide this one time...
Fly out in October AC! Sigur Ros is playing the Greek Theater the day before the Dandys land at the Warfield on 10/3 & 10/4 - Friday and Saturday no less! There's no way in hell I'm missing either of those.
Sigur Ros live = cleansing of the soul.
New album kinda sucks though but I've only listened to it a couple of times..
yeah johnny under the circs i personally am willing to cut you all the woman-hating slack you need.
oooh, that october lineup is awfully tempting... i don't know sigur ros at all, but seeing the dandys at the warfield with you would be sufficient inducement. i will look into it!
For those who don't know Sigur Ros, they're from Iceland and only sing in either Icelandic or their own made-up language (called Hopelandic). So don't expect any singalongs..
What makes them rule is that the singer plays an electric cello with a bow and is able to conjure up some sweeping, epic, ethereal sounds. I caught them a couple of days after 9/11 and it ended being quite a cathartic experience.
Horrorthoners Road Trip! Everyone to San Fransisco in October!!
*sigh* I wish I was rich, then I could do things like that - and take you all along.
OK, new rule, first person to win the lottery or invent the next "Velcro" is responsible for a yearly Horrorthon trip...
they sound interesting johnny- i will check them out on rhapsody.
dcd i'm not rich, but i don't have kids and therefore don't need to be as prudent or moderate as the rest of y'all.
miko, great rule!
AC is what's known as a "dink" which stands for Dual Income No Kids. I was a happy dink myself back in the day.
ouch! sorry johnny. :(
in defense of my current spending habits, i was the queen of deferring gratification until right around when i turned 40. at that point i realized i was missing out on life to some extent, and no one was any better off, so i adjusted my attitude and behavior accordingly.
I think that is excellent ac. More power to ya!!
I'm likin' the rule miko - now will someone please hurry up and win Powerball already?!?
It's cool AC, I could be much worse off. I could be a lousy "nifk" (no income, four kids) or an "oink" (one income, nine kids).
Oh, I hate coming in late to these long threads. Lessee...
I want a Summer of Sufferin' mix!
I vote Bridgeport for worst NE town. But Jersey City is worse. I once had to buy some steel from a metal supply warehouse in Jersey City (for a job) and while I was in the shabby, awful office I realized I was in one of the chief epicenters of shabby awfulness for the whole world.
Nice call Octo, Bridgeport or New Haven ARE pretty bad...
I just like the feel of that story. "Yeah, I got to go to Jersey City to buy some steel motherfucker. Gotta problem with that?"
JSP, hopefully you will see this - I got my Summer O'Sufferin' mix today! Can't wait to break it out.
Octo email me your address and I'll send it tomorrow!
DCD - Hope you don't think I'm completely insane after listening! I know our musical tastes are vastly different.
An errand to the shabby Jersey City metal supply warehouse? Yet another great setup for a horror movie.
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