Teenagers have been charged after digging up a grave to make a bong out of a human skull.
Three teenagers were arrested after two of them told police they dug up a secluded grave near Houston, Texas, removed the skull from a coffin and converted it into a bong.
Kevin Wade Jones, 17, and Matthew Richard Gonzalez, 17 were arrested Wednesday night and were being held on misdemeanor charges of abuse of a corpse.
Police were interviewing Jones about the debit card fraud when he told them about the grave theft.
Asked why Jones would volunteer the information police sergeant John Chomiak said: 'We can only speculate and guess to what goes on in the criminal mind.'
"They dug into this gravesite and that was enough to warrant the abuse of corpse charge.'
Police believe the grave is that of an 11-year-old boy who died in 1921 in an unmaintained 19th-century veterans cemetery.
Only in Texas...
O'well, I think that it's high time humanity moved beyond the whole "bury your dead" shtick anyway.
OK, JSP, what do you propose? Should we burn all the dead bodies or prop them up in the living room as decorations?
Cremation. Or bury them, fine - for sanitation purposes - but let them decompose naturally. Enough with the coffins already. Aren't they a complete waste of money and space?
As for me, I'm donating my beautiful body to Body Worlds:
What if the kid from the 1920's wanted his skull to be part of a bong, did anyone think of that?
My mother hates coffins too, actually, she hates funerals. She disgusted by the profit made off of death. She's been begging me and my sister for years to just throw her in a hole in the woods. We’d do it, but we're worried about getting in trouble. I'm going to email her this bodyworlds link.
"six feet under" had something about green funerals (bag 'n' toss). for some reason the simplicity of that concept appeals to me.
I actually saw a special recently that featured a "natural" cemetery. I can't remember exactly, I think the bodies were wrapped in biodegradable material, put in the ground and left to go back to the earth. There were no headstones. It was on the History Channel or TLC or something.
I'm pro-cremation, personally.
i like that natural cemetary idea!
I have made my brother (the only one who will do it) promise to carry this out:
I will be cremated, the ashes will be placed in a Piñata and each guest will get a turn to whack it. Whoever breaks open the Piñata (wins?) gets a dustbuster with my name and birth year/date of death on it. They proceed to vacuum up my ashes, keep the dustbuster...funeral over.
Do with the ashes as you will, you get to KEEP the dustbuster!!
You sure are one sick bastard, Miko. Having said that, please put me on the guest list to your funeral!
... as I could really use a dust buster.
Did I mention the Mariachi Band?
Would a sick man think of a Mariachi Band? Huh?
very creative miko!
johnny, you don't need a dustbuster desperately enough that we should worry about you and miko having a shootin' date, right?
I'm pro-cremation, myself, and also pro- whatever is cheaper for my (presumably) bereaved relatives.
I have to admit the notion that appeals to me the most is to have my skull sitting on a bookshelf somewhere gathering dust for years and years. Of course the bookshelf I imagine is in some library in some mansion somewhere, and instead my skull would probably wind up in some relative's attic. So never mind.
I would happily keep your skull on my bookshelf, Octo. I promise to never move you to the attic!
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