From slashfilm, Watch out Billy Zane! Fantasy Moguls reports that The Dark Knight is on track to gross $77 million this weekend—only a 50% drop from last weekend, the largest opening on record. If so, the film will have grossed $315 million by Monday, surpassing the total domestic grosses of both Iron Man and Lame Indiana Jones Sequel to become 2008’s toppity top movie in a mere 10 days. Indeed: that’s another record. Repeat viewings are holding steady. On IMDB, TDK remains the number one movie of all time after 125,000 votes by users. Surely including W’s?
In other news, Will Ferrell doesn’t have to grow up and clean out his belly button. Step Brothers, the R-rated Judd Apatow production co-starring John C. Reilly from The Tim and Eric Awesome Show, is likely to gross $30+ million this weekend. After watching The Joker blow out windows in the good name of anarchy, summer moviegoers will lap up some beer and coast out on a strong line-up of dirty comedies, continuing with Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Express. And less than $15 million worth of Americans care to see Mulder and Scully suck face and trek through snow alongside Xzibit. X FIles I Want to Believe is a mothball/bomb, and yes, we know that its budget was $30 million.
It happened, Miko actually got to a movie theater (did you know that the movies are in stereo now?) and saw the DK.
The movie is everything the others have said it is, but it really is Ledger's performance that seals the deal.
It actually made me a little sad as it ended, that we would be deprived of further movies in which to watch him as the Joker.
cool miko! there's a teensy chance i'll go today, but probably have to put it off at least another week, dammit. friday night some kid was talking loudly about dk and i wanted to either cover my ears or throttle him. i did neither, but it's getting harder to avoid spoilers as time goes on.
You're in for an incredible treat, AC. I just wish Octo and Jordan would weigh in, where the hell are they these days?
I am the queen of avoiding spoilers. I have done it many times. The best spoiler I averted was the last episode of Seinfeld, which I still haven’t seen. I know, shame on me. I had every intention of watching it when it aired, but I unavoidably had to be somewhere, so I had my sister tape it for me. I went to watch it the next night, but she had misplaced the tape, which has still never surfaced. She kept telling me she would find it, and so I waited, and waited, and waited. In the meantime I covered my ears and walked out of rooms quite frequently. I occasionally still have to. Now I could easily watch the last episode, I could just go and get from JPX, but since it’s been quite some time I kind of like to see how long I can go without watching it. I could make this the longest spoiler I’ve ever dodged. I’ve actually contemplated waiting until I’m like 80 years old before I watch. What a treat that would be in my old decrepit age.
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