I admit I had my doubts about this as a subject - guess I didn't need to worry! Yay for the love of candy!
Of course I must tempt you with some of my favorites before the big reveal:
JPX and JSP's candy corn back and forth had me cracking up right in the beginning,
I love candy corn
I'm in the minority
But I'm also right
Candy corn is great
If you like eating candles
made out of sugar
You knock candy corn?
Yet eat Triscuts like candy
Why not eat tree bark?
This was also a favorite of mine from JPX
Necco Wafers, yuck
Why not just sell kids armpits?
They sure taste the same
HandsomeStan was his usual hilarious self,
Some forms of torture:
Waterboarding, starvation,
And Circus Peanuts
Did I really buy
Wax bottles with juice inside?
Apparently so
Pass me some Bonkers
Look out! Giant fucking fruit!
Dangerous candy
(Particularly funny since I remember that commercial)
AC made me laugh with these gems,
in high school i sold
m&ms for fundraising.
ate them all myself. :(
deprived of candy
by 70s "healthy" mom;
backlash, anyone?
I'm not touching that one about parents who eat their kids' Halloween candy! *ahem*
Julie made a rare and wonderful appearance,
Candy for breakfast
Is one of the great perks of
being an adult.
Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp.
Nom nom nom nom nom. Chomp chomp.
Candy is so good.
And for the love of Miko! Candy drew him out of the woodwork,
Almond Joy? What Joy?
Coconut is for old folks,
Who like hard candy
Even though this one wasn't about candy, it summed up the reasons I love this blog,
Yes, I am alive
No, I don't have an excuse
Sorry. Screw you JSP
JSP - what a treasure trove!
I used to like Nerds
I used to like lots of crap
Milli Vanilli
Yellow always sucks Starburst, Life Savers, Skittles
I'd rather eat socks
(So freaking true!)
And not to be outdone - Catfreeek was golden (like a lovely Wonka golden egg)
Oh for fuck's sake just
Give me a choco I.V.
Yeah, now we're talkin'
Chinese fortune gum
Bought solely for it's wisdom
the gum tastes like ass
But my all time favorite of the day was this delectable truffle:
Cadbury cream eggs
Gross but good. Good but gross, right?
Those are some weird shit.
Congratulations Julie! You won the day! Cadbury Creme eggs for everyone!
I loved the wording on that one too. Those are some weird shit indeed. Do they still make the chocolate ones?
Congrats Julie!
Also I liked Handsome Stan's assessment of Good & Plenty.
congratulations julie! always good to see you on the blog; glad this appearance was reinforced.
Congratulations, Julie!
J - J - J is for Juuuuulie....
Congratulations! Cadbury eggs were always surreal - chocolate, but inside it looked like an egg, and the bunny rabbit sounded like a chicken.
I was also a fan of the "tree bark." Pretty much shut that argument right down! ("Cracker Jacks" was also a hoot...)
There was still so much more to talk about - Charleston Chews, Goobers, Sno-Caps, Junior Mints, Jujubes...it boggles the mind!
I tried my damnedest to come up with something clever about Chunky insulting the person who purchases him but the words never came.
Charleston Chews were great because they're so damn big.
I got caught up in the moment yesterday and bought some new Reece's crunchy nut bar. It was grossly disappointing and it got stuck in my teeth.
Yay Julie! The cadbury egg is gross but good, oh so true.
It was a HHD you can be proud of Brain, great topic. Great Haiku all around.
Welcome back Miko :)
Wow! I'm so honored. I am going to eat some candy right now to celebrate my win. Thanks, DCD!
What an excellent topic! I'm sorry I didn't chime in with more than my (totally true) fake Twix story. I have to admit, part of my block was that so many candies had already been perfectly addressed.
Chocolate! Chocolate for all!
Octo, I was sure you were going to do something with the $100,000 bar. In fact, I was going to make a joke about it being renamed 110 Grand Bar but I figured I'd let you do it. Thanks a lot.
Yeah, thanks Octo.
I meant "100 Grand Bar" of course.
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