Thursday, August 06, 2009

HansomeStan unwisely sneaks up on West Coast from behind, feels wrath of Octopunk's legendary Soup Fist

Fortunately it was just a big understanding. I gave him a tour of Screen Novelties and then we went out for delicious hamburgers.

Over lunch HS let me know it was the claymation movies that JPX and I did in high school that indirectly led to his career in film (after he and JSP were inspired to make shorts of their own). While I am touched by the compliment, my legal department tells me this inspiration is completely off the record; the proper paperwork was never filed and JPX and I cannot be held responsible for any incorrect artistic decisions that will be loosed upon that mass consciousness. It was good to find out the super 8 camera that we all used to spin our grainy dreams is gathering dust in stately Stan Manor in Barrington, not lost to the sands of time (i.e. Gary) as JPX and I had assumed.

Also, he bought me lunch. Thanks!


DKC said...


Johnny Sweatpants said...

That picture is gold I tells ya - gold! I'm glad youse guys got a chance to hang out. A couple of my friends who met Stan last week remarked that he reminded them of Octopunk and that it made them miss him. Personally I don't see the resemblance but I still thought it was cool given that you didn't really know each other back in the day.

Where, pray tell was 50P?

Catfreeek said...

Great pic! Great post! Makes me want to come do the west coast tour :)

HandsomeStan said...

Those burgers WERE delicious. And we tried mightily, but 50's schedule never quite got in sync with mine.

And Octo, that studio was one of the awesomest places ever, thanks for the tour! I am insanely jealous of all the brilliance you & the gang get to create there.

And that picture did come out great...

50PageMcGee said...

i tried. i frikkin tried so hard.

50PageMcGee said...

stan, please, tell them how hard i tried.

Puffinslayer said...

Heck, even I got to hang out with Stan. I tried not to.

HandsomeStan said...

50 tried almost as hard to see me as Puff did to avoid me.

JPX said...

I love the picture, an instant Horrorthon classic!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Seriously. That's some serious Horrorthon Hall of Fame shit.

HandsomeStan said...

I never realized how angry Octo looks. He REALLY means business with that thing!

Anonymous said...

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 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...