"The Last Airbender" is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented. The laws of chance suggest that something should have gone right. Not here. It puts a nail in the coffin of low-rent 3D, but it will need a lot more coffins than that.
Read full review here
"As "The Last Airbender" bores and alienates its audiences, consider the opportunities missed here. (1) This material should have become an A-list animated film. (2) It was a blunder jumping aboard the 3D bandwagon with phony 3D retro-fitted to a 2D film. (3) If it had to be live action, better special effects artists should have been found. It's not as if films like "2012" and "Knowing" didn't contain "real life" illusions as spectacular as anything called for in "The Last Airbender.""
Yay for point #1! But boo that this is so bad. That fucking sucks. I was just rewatching some eps of the show recently and I absolutely love it.
I don't know anything about the source material, but I was really hoping this would suck (and not be buoyed by excitement or reverence coming from the original fans). Shyamalan needs to go down. You can't be that much of a pretentious, preening fuckhead and not go down.
I always think of him as more of a megalomaniac, which is worse.
I've been bummed about his involvement with this series since it first became public, and I've cringed to see the letters of "an M. Night Shyamalan film" tacked to the top of the fucking logo on every billboard and product.
I'll Netflix it because I'm curious, but now that it's being panned I guess I'm ready to tie off the stump and hope it sinks him as far as it can.
I'm trying to think of a sentence to end this comment, something about Lady in the Water, but all I can think of is a string of obscenities. It's nothing less than a heap of cinematic shit steeped with unbelievable messianic arrogance. Like you actually can't believe it.
I expect the reaction among fans of the original to be mixed at best. There was quite an outcry over the white-washed casting choices when that news broke, so much so I think they recast some characters. So I'm sure there will be lots of haters.
Hey, Octo, are you going to
1) Watch the clips with the bass coming in
2) Comment on the TNG thread
3) Comment on the bass thread 2010 discussion?
< / shameless post whoring>
I was gonna, but your shame made me question the decision.
What about Pepper Jones?
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