Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Last Winter

(2006) ***1/2

In the geopolitical film The Last Winter, Congress votes to allow oil companies to drill, baby, drill in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. A big oil company called North secures the proper permits and sets off to start drilling for the black gold. Much to the annoyance of North, this operation is overseen by a group of environmentalists who ensure that the oil company is adhering to “green” rules and regulations. While collecting data at the various green outposts, the environmentalists conclude that there have been atmospheric disturbances that are causing the group to act strangely. The environmentalists theorize that the permafrost is melting at an alarming rate, which is causing ancient chemicals to be released into the environment. The oil company disagrees with this assessment and begins to butt heads with the tree huggers. However, after several bizarre atmospheric abnormalities and the puzzling death of one of the environmentalists, which was filmed, it becomes increasingly clear that something paranormal is happening in the frozen tundra.

Like John Carpenter’s “The Thing”, The Last Winter deals with research teams working in subzero temperatures while being attacked by an unknown assailant. The similarities don’t end there as both films feature beautiful cinematography in isolated outposts. Unlike the fun film “Frozen”, where I was never convinced that the characters were really cold, I found myself feeling chilled as I watched The Last Winter (perhaps it’s because I was too cheap to turn on my heat). At the core The Last Winter is another monster movie, but this “monster” is a bit more sophisticated, which adds some depth to the frequently silly genre. Some might be put off by the strong liberal message (this liberal wasn’t) but stick with it anyway, it’s highly engrossing and it has a bit of a “Mist” feel to it, especially the less-than happy ending. Good stuff.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

You can't review a monster movie and not reveal what the monster is. Is it a big secret that's not revealed until the end?

JPX said...

The monster is part of the mystery...

Octopunk said...

Great. It's probably that killer yogurt from The Stuff.

Catfreeek said...

That first picture alone makes me feel cold. Great find.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

It was bothering me so I read spoilers. Sounds great as long as they don't pull a cheesy On Deadly Ground type of speech.

Whirlygirl said...

Sounds like a good one, especially if it's anything like The Mist.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...