The Reflecting Skin is a movie that will live in your memories as a beautiful, dark gem; polished and captivating but so, so dark. It takes place in rural Idaho in the 1950s, and follows young Seth Dove, nearly nine, as some colossal turning points in his life roll over him.

The landscape echoes its inhabitants. Every person in this movie has something inky in their core: a distorted nature, a horrible secret, a heavy kernel of doom. For some people it's right on the surface, like Seth's abusive wreck of a mother, for the rest it only takes a small bit of conversation. When Seth meets the widow, she brushes off the frog bomb, saying it was her dress she was really upset about, and that she used to do the same sort of thing as a kid. "Have you ever tied fireworks to a cat's tail?" she asks. "Ooh, you ought to. They go crazy."
I don't want to say much about the plot, which is sparse but not lacking. I will share a couple of details. Seth and his friend find a baby angel in the loft of the church where they like to hang out. Seth takes it home and hides it under the bed, pulling it out at night to confide in it. Yeah, it's an aborted baby. This plot point has no explanation and no impact on the story, except to provide Seth with a sidekick. And be gross.

In the scene above, Seth greets Cam on the road. Cam stops, looks around at the panorama of gold and blue, sighs dejectedly and says "It's so ugly here."
Of course my first thought was how wrong that was, and how his words must be reflecting his complex relationship with his origins. When the movie was over I thought "no, he's absolutely right."
I dinged this a half star off perfect because it's one of those art house movies that can't help be a little too art house at times (no passes for being made in 1990). Also, watching it this time I noticed a handful of scenes that were a bit beyond the acting chops of Jeremy Cooper, the kid playing Seth. But these are small potatoes, I recommend this to all of you.

This sounds excellent and now I'm on a quest to find it since it is not available through Netflix. I love movies filmed in this type of desolate setting. The darkness you describe in such a lovely place, "Tideland" comes to mind. Excellent review.
Jesus, how is it that I've never heard of this movie? This sounds essential and fantastic! I love the pictures you chose and your review is excellent. This will be on the "must see" list for next October.
You had me at Cameron's buttcheeks.
Interesting review Octopunk. I had never heard of this either. Did you stream it online or were you able to track down a copy? I love the screen shots and the dead serious expression on the kid's face.
I found it on VHS at Eddie Brandt's, that crazy store near my house (for every movie I've found there I've tagged the bottom of the review with a picture of the mural outside the store).
I would never have known about this if not for my friend Sherm; he rented it while I was visiting him in 1998 and I watched it one other time shortly afterwards because I wanted some friends to see it. I've been scouting for it for years.
While hunting screenshots, I did spot one site called Myduckdied.com or something that had it for download.
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