In the piece, Arad seems to imply that the long-gestating HULK sequel will be more of a remake than a continuation…
'ARAD: (edit) …a lot of people are looking forward to the comic book version of the HULK. That’s the one we are making, and I think it will be incredibly satisfying. It will be big and awesome and a big ride.
iF: So will you be recasting HULK with completely new actors?
ARAD: It’s a “do-over”. I loved the HULK movie, it was just a different approach, and it wasn’t exactly the comic. We want to be much closer to the comic. It’s what we would rather do.'
This could be taken two ways.
Perhaps they’re simply adjusting/re-considering Ang Lee’s approach to the first film – without necessarily negating its spin on Hulk's "origin story"? But, Arad appears to be saying that the follow-up is a remake – an odd choice that doesn’t seem entirely necessary in my mind. I’d rather see a HULK continuance that is “truer” in essence and vibe to its source material, than to watch yet another re-hashed origin story."
"…a lot of people are looking forward to the comic book version of the HULK."
Wow, they're going to make a Hulk comic book? Awesome!
Jordan's right when he says this guy learned to communicate in some alternate universe.
A do-over of Hulk isn't a bad idea at all, but making us sit through more origin story -- ugh.
For a HULK sequel I would want David Banner to turn into the Hulk in the first scene and not turn back for 2 hours.
That made me think of all the boring things you want to see the Hulk doing, which made me think of that painting "Hulks playing poker," which is of course actually dogs.
One of the many reasons Hulk sucked tar was that Banner's whole dual psyche was so clumsy. Once again I cite the Ultimate Marvel universe, where they used the great idea of a Bruce Banner who's unpopular, nebbishy, and already dumped by Betty Ross. You don't need a huge mysterious backstory to show that he's angry, he's obviously angry.
Although most of the better superhero films touch upon the the psychological issues our heros wrestle with, but Lee's HULK became more about pathological grief than smashing things. It film wasn't fun or thrilling, as a superhero film should be, rather it was depressing and sluggish. Can you imagine how many kids went to this film waiting to see the hulk smash things only to fall asleep as they watched Banner cry?
Oh yeah, and the CG stunk.
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