From Iwatchstuff, “After Johnny Depp cited Keith Richards as an influence on his character of Captain Jack Sparrow (both tie rags to themselves as decoration/are dead), rumor spread that the Rolling Stones rocker would play the pirate's father in one of the sequels. Speaking to director Gore Verbinski, IGN finally got the affirmative we've been waiting for:
"Keith is definitely going to be in the third movie...It's a small part, but it's a great part."
So is he playing the father of Jack Sparrow? "No comment. To be interpreted."
Even without specifying, it seems pretty clear that he's going to play Sparrow's father. I have to assume, with everything he did in the 60's, any time Keith Richards is questionably the father of someone, the answer is more often that not a "yes." And that goes for both actual people and fictional characters. Even cartoon charactes. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but just by reading his name here, you're probably the illegitimate child of Keith Richards.”
Man, look at him. He could walk into a room full of Davy Jones's weird marine henchmen and boost as many jugs of grog as he could carry and they wouldn't bat an eyelash.
He's a flesh-colored skull!
He looks like he could be on a Pirates poster exactly how he is in that picture, t-shirt and all.
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