From Moviesonline, "If your head has finally stopped spinning from the number of times the "Star Trek" rumor mill has turned up a dead end or wrong turn, then you are probably very relieved to hear the official details surfacing since the eleventh "Trek" film finally has a crew working on the plan for a new voyage. With J.J. Abrams producing and directing, his partners-in-television are jumping aboard the ship. Abrams has his "Lost" associates Damon Lindelof and Bryan Burk producing with him, and his "Mission: Impossible III" screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, who have both worked on "Alias," are penning the script for "Trek XI."
Kurtzman and Orci, like Abrams and others that have been signing on for this mission, are big fans of the "Star Trek" franchise and all that it embodies. They aren’t just thoroughly knowledgeable in the shows and movies; they are just as familiar with the countless novels that also comprise a significant portion of the mythos. Since they are so close to the material, there seems to be no qualms about making promises that fans will be very satisfied with the level of verisimilitude that will paid to this project. IGN quoted testimony that they intend to be faithful to Trek canon:
"We know the mythology well, and we are fans of the novels that happen between the movies and all that kind of stuff ... We're very mindful of being totally true to the mythology ... and this is not a case of trying to come in and be so clever that you're going to reinvent everything. It's a case of coming in and using the stuff you know is great and you know really works and not violating anything that's come before it."
It seems that "Trek XI" is finally getting a solid foundation, and it’s about time. Just as good to observe is that Paramount seems to be taking this production a lot more seriously now, meaning a lot less frustration and disappointment for the immeasurable masses that enjoy "Star Trek" worldwide. There is suddenly concrete cause to celebrate, because not only are the wheels beginning to turn, but it is a group of loyal fans that has taken the helm. That is not only encouraging, it’s exciting."
This does sound good. We need to list the projects that have genuine geeks at the helm, get a sense of how they do.
Uh...Bryan Singer, right? Big time geek.
Joss Whedon, he's a big fanboy. You should read his Astonishing X-men title. All of you.
The guy who made Sky Captain is a fanboy of sorts, too, so it doesn't always work out.
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