From Iwatchstuff, "In an interview with the popular hypothetical periodical iF Magazine, Spider-Man 3 producer Avi Arad confirmed that there will be four villains in the upcoming superhero film:
iF: There are four villains this time, Venom, Sandman, and Green Goblin and when is the fourth going to be revealed?
ARAD: Right we have four villains. Pretty soon [we'll reveal the fourth villain] I believe. Maybe around Comic Con we'll reveal something and the madness will begin.
With Arad declining to reveal the identity of the fourth villain, rumor and speculation has already formed about who it will be. The Lizard, Carnage, Electro and Hobgoblin are some popular possibilities, but if I may offer my suspicion, there's a reason Spidey drops the red in his costume. That's right: communism. It's real, it's dangerous, it's deadly, and it's been America's first villain since the end of the second World War. With any luck, the reason for the Gwen Stacey love triangle is because he reports that pinko Mary Jane. Her hair was getting a little too red, if you catch my meaning. And if it's not communism, it's definitely obesity."
My money's on Aunt May.
I can't believe a screenwriter got paid for making her say "Pish tosh" as a line of dialogue (explaining how she arbitrarily abandoned her hatred of Spider-Man when it became plot-covenient for her to do so). The Spider-Man movies are filled with enormous logical gaps that nobody seems to notice or mind (beyond the "Pish tosh" thing which is, I guess, a mild, explainable example).
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