Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Suri Cruise, alien?

From wwtdd, "TomKatCrazy has new pictures of Suri Cruise with mom and dad taken yesterday at the birthday party for Brooke Shields daughter, Grier Hammond (um, wasn't Katie supposed to be in Shreveport filming a movie. and is that where she left her conditioner). Grier and Suri were both born on April 18th, 2006 at the St. Johns hospital in Santa Monica. With any luck Grier is better looking than Suri, because Suri is a fuckin mess. She looks like something a caveman would have, or like when you see baby pictures of Andre the Giant. One eye is higher than the other and they're spaced 19 inches apart. She always looks like they just dropped her and her head is the three times the size of a normal human head. Poor Katie. Her vagina must look like taffy now, or like it's sticking its tongue out at you."


Anonymous said...

They've started to brainwash her already.

JPX said...

Yeah, she's already got the crazy eyes thing going.

JPX said...

Cool blog, Maze!

Octopunk said...

Of course the beauty of it is that they’re so easy to brainwash when they’re babies.

But you know that by the time Suri is a teenager, her parents will be divorced and she’ll be in some rebellious phase and convert to Judaism, choosing that particular faith because of its long-standing relationship with the pseudo-science of psychiatry.

Anonymous said...

Thanks jpx. The cafe is always open.
Yeaha... she'll jump from cult to cult lmao!!! save her Octopunk.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...