(1967) **
American scientist Dr. Curtis Temple is working on a Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) assignment in the U.K when he is informed that some strange meteors have crashed nearby. Why ‘strange’? The meteors crashed in a perfect V formation, which is pretty darn unusual meteor behavior. Dr. Temple is arguably excited about this event; after all, it’s probably the first interesting thing that’s ever happened with SETI. His excitement quickly turns to disappointment when his doctor prevents him from participating. You see, Dr. Temple recently had brain surgery, which involved placing a metal plate in his head and his doctor is concerned that Dr. Temple has not had enough time to heal. Disappointed, Dr. Temple remains on the sidelines while his team of crack-scientists begin their investigation, which essentially involves looking at the meteors, ooh-ing and aw-ing, and poking them with a stick. Unfortunately, banging one of the meteors proves to be a stupid way to conduct delicate scientific research and as a result a bright light is emitted, instantly transforming all of the scientists into monotone, zombie-like, droids. Apparently the scientists have fallen victim to a race of space energy that is desperately seeking fresh bodies to inhabit. We learn much later that the current bodies they have taken over are getting old so these middle-aged, nerdy scientists are just what they’ve been looking for. When Dr. Temple stops receiving updates from his brethren, he sets out to investigate – screw doctor’s orders!
Arriving on the scene some unspecified time later (days, weeks?), Dr. Temple finds that his strange, zombie-like colleagues have created and fenced in a large compound/landing site with orders to keep him out. As if getting dissed by his former buddies isn’t enough, he is particularly bummed out that his much, much younger girlfriend gives him a frosty reception. Here’s a shot of his hot girlfriend,

While Dr. Temple is trying to figure out how to breach the compound, local townsfolk begin dying by a mysterious plague courteous of the moon men. In the highlight of the film, Dr. Temple clumsily makes his way into the compound, takes a ‘futuristic’ elevator, and goes deep underground where he learns the true purpose and motives of the ‘aliens’ (oh yeah, I already gave that away in the first paragraph). Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the metal plate in Dr. Temple’s head is the best thing that ever happened to him because it makes him immune from the effects of the energy beings. Will he be able to stop their evil plan and save the world? Not before donning ridiculous protective headgear (see first picture), clumsily stumbling into a rocket ship, flying to a paper machete moon, and confronting moon men (i.e., old men dressed in colorful scarves and capes).
I went to a b-movie double feature at my local theater expecting to see Giant From the Unknown and She Demons. Alas, I mixed up the dates and was instead treated to It Came From Beyond Space and Killers From Space. I’ll be the first to categorize It Came From Beyond Space as a sci-fi movie but I was already seated with a feedbag of popcorn so whatever. Want to fight about it?
On a final note, It Came From Beyond Space boasts one of the most inappropriate film scores I’ve ever heard in a “scary” movie. Rather than using ominous, 1950-ish sci-fi music, the director treats us to terrible jazz along the lines of Flight of the Bumble Bee; it’s so friggin’ distracting and would be more appropriate for a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
Sounds like a lark. Too bad you missed the once in lifetime She Demons on the big screen though. Those are the precious moments. They don't come back again.
dude, b-movie revival at a local theater? that sounds like an excellent mid-thon event.
jsp, we've gotta go to the parkway. they serve pizza and beer, and thursday the 11th, they're screening Creature with the Atom Brain, and Zombies of Mora Tau.
check it out:
we don't have to replace RE:E with this, we can do both if you're up for it.
I like "team of crack-scientists." I'd say that should be "crack team of scientists" but I don't want you to change a thing.
No, I see no reason to fight over horror vs. 50's sci-fi. The Horrorthon experience embraces the random; it has plenty of room for screwing up the dates for a particular double feature. In fact, it's hilarious!
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