Star Wars: The Art of Ralph McQuarrie is a 168 page, full color oversize paperback created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars in Japan. Authors Stan Stice and John David Scoleri have compiled a book that contains nearly all of Ralph's Star Wars art from their critically acclaimed The Art of Ralph McQuarrie, along with dozens of newly discovered, never before published production pieces from Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.

At one point, I was going to furnish my newly-bought apartment with framed Ralph McQuarrie art.
Then my girlfriend moved in.
All I've got left is a 9-inch Desslok figure, standing next to family photographs. And I had to fight for it. Ultimate Warrior action figure shrine? Gone.
(Desslok - Leader of the Gamilon Empire, and Guy From My Avatar.)
(She also pulled me out of a 15-minute trance at the Lego Store in Disney World as I stared at the 500-piece Millennium Falcon. It was good and bad at the same time. I literally had my wallet out, with credit card in hand, when she found me.)
Ah, compromise. The path to harmony.
But I'm TOTALLY buying this book.
My advice = dump the bitch. As Melissa at Showcase used to put it so eloquently: "You don't need to take no shit from nobody."
(Kidding by the way...)
That's a little harsh JSP, we don't know what kind of sexual deviancy the young lady possesses.
For example, if a girl enjoyed Threesomes, she could tell me what to buy, how to furnish our apartment, AND occasionally stab me in the face with cutlery. So really, only Stan can gage what constitutes too much in his relationship.
I have to go now, my wife said I've used up my computer time for the day...
That's funny, on the very first day I worked as an usher at Showcase Cinemas I asked one of the concessionists for a broom and she informed me, "Youse ushers think that them brooms belongs to youse!"
This happened in 1987 and even with my atrocious memory I've never forgotten that line!
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