From geekology, What you are about to watch is wrong on every level. Some woman, pissed that her fiancé is in Vegas blowing money on gambling and strippers (a man's God-given right), decides to destroy his most prized possession -- a scout Stormtrooper figure. Needless to say these women are all fucked in the head. The ringleader is even so dumb as to call the figure a "snowtrooper". Then they proceed to argue that Princess Leia looks like a dude and being obsessed with her is "sick". Clearly these women are delusional and should be locked up. The video is a pain to watch and I had to pause it several times and go outside to calm down. You'll never hate women and their sick ways more than after you watch this video. I just hope the dude remembered to bring home a little something special for his fiancé. Like a really cool VD.
See world's worst women here
The geekology guy is correct, I had to stop the video a few times because it was pissing me off so much. By the way, this is how much it cost,
SS7164 Biker Scout on Speeder Bike Premium Format Figure
Retail Price: $1440
I'm still fuming. I'd take her engagement ring and cash it in so I could buy another Biker Scout.
Neither women was nearly attractive enough to justify their actions.....
The good news for him is she showed her true colors prior to the actual ceremony...gives him plenty of time to run screaming in the other direction.
I felt so bad for the little stormtrooper. He was so defenseless looking.
Wow. I don't have a ring. And I'm home alone with Octo's toys all day long.
Okay, I'm kidding. Please believe me that I would never disrespect the toys. The LEGOs take up half our living room, and I'm totally down with that.
Atta girl. Although now I feel bad for the $$$ I dropped at the Lego store yesterday.
What a trio of skanks. I bet the one with the camera was the ugliest.
Somehow the "Star Wars sucks" at the end is the worst part of it. Very gratifying to see that the bulk of the 700 or so comments are scoldings and complaints directed at the chief devil woman.
While I understand that men are idiots and women have to take a lot of crap in this world, sometimes there's nothing more awful than a woman with a boyfriend issue being egged into an aggressive confrontation by her g-friends.
A friend of mine found a pair of girl's underwear in her boyfriend's apartment (which had belonged to one of his roommates visitors), and I watched as two of her female friends whipped her into a frenzy of "yeah, you oughtta" until she went down the street to where he worked and burst into tears. Totally controllable situation that got cranked way out of hand for no reason.
He should sue her for the cost and use the video as evidence.
Yeah, jpx, isn't this a criminal act caught on tape? Um, by the perpetrators?
It's all bullshit. These chicks are pissed that the boyfriend is so into his stuff. But only because he's not buying the stuff SHE wants--a diamond. Christ almighty. At least no one in Africa gets their arms cut off to bring us Star Wars action figures. What is wrong with people?
And anyway, Octo, it's not the LEGOs that are keeping you from buying that ring. It's the mother effing IRS.
Julie, do I hear the stirrings of some tax-reduction, conservative viewpoints emanating from SoCal?
Um, no. It's just that Octo didn't pay taxes for like ten years, so now those a-holes are after him for the interest. He's all paid up now, finally. But that's one less diamond ring for Julie for a while.
More thoughts.
Are there any women who collect stuff like that? Are they universally shunned as creepy and weird?
Miko, your first comment is kind of funny. Are you saying that if the women were more attractive, they would have been justified in destroying the toy?
When that woman says at the end that she's never felt better in her life, um, how pathetic is that? The pinnacle of her life so far is this moment? What a sad retard.
Julie, just watching the Simpsons movie, and your comment reminds me of my favorite line...Bart says today is the worst day of his life and Homer says "The worst day of your life SO FAR".
Yes, there is a direct correlation between how much crazy a man will deal with and how attractive a women is. I had a graph, but got married, so now I have to deal with any crazy that comes my way...love and all.
Yes, they are pathetic, I kept hoping the one girl would lose control of the Ax and give us a real show.
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