From iwatchstuff, I didn't make it to see WALL-E this weekend, but a friend of mine who's more fanatical about robot love stories saw it Friday. Always wanting to keep abreast as to what I should praise and what I should ridicule, I asked him how it was.
"Really good," he said, "but there this was a trailer for this flies in space movie that literally almost forced me to walk out of the theater. What was that all about?"
"You mean Space Chimps? Are you sure they weren't chimps?"
"No, definitely flies. And the title was even something stupid with 'fly' and 'moon.'"
"God. What, like Fly Me to the Moon?"
"Yeah, actually, I think that was it."
"Are you sure? I write for a movie blog. There's no way I wouldn't have somehow caught wind of a flies in space movie. This can't exist."
"Well, it does, and it's absurdly bad."
I forgot all about it until today, when I received a message with attached proof-of-existence trailer. He was right. It's so bad. And not even bad in that usual celebrity-voiced, Pixar-wannabe way (see Madagascar 2 trailer). Bad in a very strange, awkward way, like it was made by someone who's never seen an animated film and thus has absolutely no idea what an audience would expect (though there are still celebrity voices, including Christopher Lloyd doing an impression of himself).
See trailer here
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