Now that they've had their children of the corn returned to them by the government, members of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints have created an online shop so all kids can wear creepy Laura Ingalls-esque, polyester uniforms. Perfect gifts for a teen readying for their first, second or third marriage!
The unisex site features everything any wannabe brainwashed, homeschooled, inbred, God-fearing child could need to fit in at Walnut Grove Elementary. All items -- from Pilgrim dresses to overalls -- meet "the FLDS standards for modesty and neatness." The devil wears long underwear!
Go here to start shopping!
These children are creeping me out
kids from a religious cult are scarier than zombies.
umm, whirlygirl, no offense, but your new avatar is also scaring me....
Oh, come on, AC. It's Jean Rhys, who in my opinion is one of the best female novelists. She died the year I was born, but I'm proud to say that I breathed the same air as her for three months.
fair enough... she looks likes the doomed heroine in an early vampire movie.
Here's a book recommendation. Under the Banner of Heaven by John Krakauer. It's about the FLDS church and this one creepy murder that a couple of members committed. Krakauer also wrote Into Thin Air. He likes to start book titles with prepositions.
julie, i loved into thin air and into the wild, but am afraid i won't ever sleep again if i read your pick.
Remember it's not the kids... it's their creepy brainwashed parents. Be kind to kids! :)
I never read Into Thin Air but I dated someone who did and so I feel like I did read it and everything ever written about that tragedy on Everest. I repeatedly watched documentaries/Interviews of Beck Weathers and his frost bitten limbs, which I could have done without seeing. For awhile all I ever heard about was, Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, and Anatoli, whose book The Climb I also heard all about. There names are engraved in my head. He talked it to death that I still cringe every time I hear into thin air or even Krakauer.
But, I asked for it because I bought him the book.
I've read all of Krakauer's stuff and I loved it all. He stopped his latest book from being released,
"Those anticipating Jon Krakauer’s meditation on the nature of heroism, examined thcoarse the story of Pat Tillman, the former football star killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire, may have to wait quite a bit longer than they planned. According to Doubleday, which had The Hero scheduled for October (and planned go to press with a hefty 500,000-first-printing), Krakauer has withdrawn the title.
Krakauer is apparently unhappy with the manuscript and is holding onto it indefinitely. David Drake at Doubleday confirmed that the decision was entirely the author’s and that, while the imprint is “disappointed,” it supports its author. Speaking to the book’s future, Drake said the situation is “a little bit wait and see” and that if the book does get rescheduled it likely wouldn’t come out until at minimum 2009.
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