From aicn, If you have any affection for the blood-soaked thrillers of Italian horror maestro Dario Argento then you've probably been going bat-shit crazy waiting for his latest film, MOTHER OF TEARS, being billed as the third installment of Argento's Three Mothers trilogy (after the 1977 terror masterpiece SUSPIRIA as well as the excellent INFERNO from 1980).
For those gore lover unfamiliar with Argento's work, shame on you. Still, you shouldn't have any trouble jumping right into the gory deep end of this movie. Although not connected to the other two films plot-wise, MOTHER OF TEARS shares the earlier works' celebration of all things hideous and evil, and it's glorious combination/celebration of vile and violent behavior, suspense, and bad dubbing. There's really no point in going too deep into the plot, because it's absolutely ridiculous and nonsensical. But that doesn't mean Argento hasn't created a universe that manages to blend and make some sense of the outrageous.

Go here for rest of review.
See the trailer that nobody watched when I first posted it here
I think I'm going to have to try Argento for Horrorthon this year. I'm kinda scared though...(heh, no pun intended.)
If you're serious DCD, I'd recommend you start with Deep Red or The Bird With the Crystal Plumage. (If you start with Inferno you risk winding up in a straightjacket.)
Thanks JSP - I was hoping for some insight on where to begin. And of course, I knew this was the right place to get that!
I tried to get both of those last horrothon, but I had Netflix issues. One of them they wouldn't send and the other came in broken.
Those were just a couple of the many times Netflix pissed me off. I currently have my membership on hold, and take my movies out from the library, which isn't a bad deal. I can get almost every DVD I would have taken out from Netflix.
Bottom line - go to the library. The library needs your support more than Netflix needs a fatter wallet.
Way to promote your profession, WG!
Except the Bristol library kind of sucks. I don't think they are going to have and Argento flicks.
Nothing against libraries, I am a big fan. And they are in the process of expanding, so fingers crossed things will get better!
yay horrorthon! you realize it is less than 3 months away? how did that happen?
good thing the dandys will be here in september or i'd lose my concert-going buddies (i'd still go since i'm more about the dandys than i am about the contest, which is one of the many reasons i'll never ever win).
i am still playing with the notion of kicking off october with all the hannibal lecter movies, in the order they were made... is that masochistic or fun? i can't tell yet.
It doesn't matter if the Bristol library sucks because you can have anything sent there from any other library in RI. I did check and there are some Argento films at various libraries in RI.
As long as I'm not getting new releases, which there can be a long wait on, I get movies sent to me faster than using Netflix.
You can't get the Rocky Point movie from Netflix, but you can get it from the library. Even though it's a horrendous documentary, I requested it and had JPX make copies of it for us.
Being in the Providence library is like visiting in a mental institute. After spending 6-8 hour there I begin to wonder if I've crossed over from being a visitor into a patient.
The people are crazy, but I've gotten quite used to them, even the old man who pushes me off the table has kind of grown on me, but there's this one women, she's a newbie, I think she may be casting spells on everybody. One day she was waving her hands behind me and chanting. I gave her a look and she hasn't done it again.
The best person I ever saw was the guy who loudly acted out a death scene and then was physically picked up and removed by security.
I had no idea the library could be so entertaining! Good to know about the movies, I will definitely work that angle over Thon. Thanks for the info.
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