Sadly, it turns out that having an 18 y.o. around the house is not sexy, but rather fills one with a stunning realization of how freakin' old you really are.
So far the young lady has asked me on two occasions why I watch "the most boring tv shows ever made", has rolled her eyes on three occasions when she has mentioned a band and I had no idea what she was talking about, and told me that she likes George Clooney, but "he's too old to be hot or anything".
(On a bright note, she did set up both Miko and the Swede with Facebook pages, so once I figure out what that means it will be cool)
This is really intriguing! Here are my questions:
1) What are "the most boring shows ever made"?
2) Whom does she find hot? Does she find Brad Pitt hot? Does she find Johnny Depp hot? (They're each three years older than me, and each one year younger than Clooney, who is four years older than me, and anyway has gray fucking hair.)
3) Which three bands haven't you heard of?
I can only speak to #1.
-BBC America's "Top Gear"
-Antiques Roadshow (OK, this one maybe one of the most boring)
I didn't follow-up on the hot question.
I can't remember two of the bands, but one was a DJ named ____ Sinclair. This led to my old man diatribe that DJ's don't make ANY music. They just combine others music, and why the fuck is that considered a skill in the first place.
Okay, you've got to admit: you watch pretty boring shows.
Hey, I also watch Battlestar, and Deadwood reruns, I just wasn't on that parti....yeah....I like some boring shit.
I knew I was old the first time I saw a "top 10" music list and didn't recognize a single name. Whenever I meet with a new patient I get their birth date. Today I had a new patient who was born in 1980, inside I was thinking, "I watched Return of the Jedi in the theater that year!"
Once you get over the shock, it's intellectually so cool. We can finally do something we watched adults do, when we were kids: discuss a previous decade -- when everything was totally different -- from experience.
I meant Empire Strikes Back!
JPX, You do realize that I'm only one year older than your patient
I now worship JPX as my god.
All Hail JPX!
Thank you, thank you, Miko!
sorry to have been off the blog during this tantalizing thread. i'll limit my input to the following: miko, if you have bbc america and you enjoy antiques roadshow (soothing, not boring, dammit!), then please tell me you also watch "cash in the attic."
Not just "Cash" AC, but "Bargain Hunters" as well. Oh well, my tastes are "varied" in music, might as well carry over to TV.
yay miko!
when my beloved cat chewy wakes me up every morning at 4:30, i just watch bargain hunters and cash in the attic till i'm asleep again.
i also have a crush on alistair appleton, but he's both age-appropriate and gay, so presumably it's cool.
If my cat woke me up at 4:30AM even once, he would be my late beloved cat....
I'm with you on that, Miko. My cat wakes my roommate up at 5:00am every morning. She tried doing that to me repeatedly when we first got her and in my half groggy state I would throw her across the room. The cat does many annoying things to my roommate. For instance, swatting her paw against her food and sticking her face in her glass. She doesn't dare do that to me because she knows I'd murder her or ignore her religiously for an entire week.
As for bad shows, I can’t say that I watch any because I don’t have cable. You should have seen me last night trying to watch So You Think You Can Dance on a pathetically bad picture. The rabbit ears don’t like that channel. It will be gift when the ears are soon obsolete then I will no longer be able to put myself through such torture.
Whirly, I tried going without cable once. Luckily the neighbors called the police after the mail started to pile up, and with the help of professionals and 55 channels in the hospital...I'm fine now. Well sometimes when the picture gets fuzzy, I curl in the fetal position and cry, but not as much as in the past.
If you ever get cable, watch "The Dog Whisperer" which should be titled "When fucking morons get dogs and are surprised they don't train themselves". It will infuriate you, but it's fun to watch Caesar make fun of bad owners.
We went through a period with no cable when we first moved back up North from Key West.
That is the main reason I got so into football, we were always off on Sundays and Mondays and when you only get two channels - football is what ya' got.
It doesn't matter how they got there...no cable and off on weekends,OR head injury, traumatic baseball incident, etc...chicks digging football is hot.
Miko, that's so funny about The Dog Whisperer! I've seen that show a few times and basically it's about a histrionic guy dispensing common sense to stupid people. His advice is always the same, walk the dog more and adhere consistently to basic punishment/reinforcement principals, which would be obvious to a 5-year old.
Whirlgirl, my cat Harold also sticks his face in all the water glasses. He also puts his paw in the glasses and licks it, so he drinks that way, too. It's gross. If you leave a glass out in my house and walk away for a while, it's done. You can't drink from it anymore, because you're just not sure if it's been cat faced.
He has other annoying habits. He will loudly chew on any piece of plastic left within his reach. Within his reach includes cupboards that he can work open with his paws. He often goes on rampages, searching the house for plastic to chew on. If you toss a piece of plastic in an uncovered garbage can, he will mentally register that and come back for it later. So no more uncovered garbage cans in the house. He goes pawing through the recycling for plastic and has tossed out tin cans to get to the good stuff.
He also is a vigorous litter digger. He gets carried away and tosses litter out onto the floor. No safeguard is good enough. Mats, the bathtub, whatever. He will toss enough litter out so that it gets tracked all around.
This cat is terminal and won't be with us for too much longer. He has the greatest personality ever, which is lucky for him, because if he didn't, he would just be a collection of awful habits. He also vomits a lot, and since our son has a vomiting issue now, too, it's just a bit much!
So we'll miss the cat, but all the other baggage that comes with him will be a relief when it's gone!
julie, sounds like i would enjoy your harold. our chewy has developed similarly poor behavioral habits, but aging and multiple medical issues insure the discomfort will be time-limited. since he too had an amazing personality, it is only the development of his bad behaviors that allows us to tolerate the concept of his eventual demise.
Way to pull the comedic carpet out from under me Julie! Your post is chock-a-block with things to make fun of your cat for, and you for allowing them, then...bam...terminal. Hmph.
(Then again, my dad was playing with my daughter in the car the other day, hiding his face in her "blankie" and pretending to sleep. When he gave it back to her I turned to him and said "Great now I have to take Blankie home and wash it!". He asked why and I replied "Cause now you got cancer all over it!". So sick don't have to mean not funny...)
I never watch my television. I keep cable only for the internet access. And my cat is fine.
Julie, your cat sounds like a nightmare. Mine is not quite as bad, but she also throws her litter everywhere.
I once had a cat with a mysterious peeing problem. Basically, she dribbled pee everywhere. Luckily, it was only for about 4-5 months out of the year. I spent thousands of dollars trying to diagnose her, but all test results came back fine. Basically, I wasted my money and traumatized the cat with all the poking and prodding. I tried putting a diaper on her, but she always ripped it off, and so I had to drape the floors and furniture with protective cloths. Luckily, she was an outdoor cat; otherwise, I might have killed myself.
I was tricked into taking this cat by a coworker. The cat had previously been living with the coworker's aunt that had about 7 dogs and 18 cats. She decided that this particular cat needed to go, and my coworker was desperate to find her a home or she'd have to be put down. Being an animal lover I took her in, and soon discovered why the aunt with the animal farm couldn't find room for one more.
Ha ha--cat in diaper. Too much!
Harold is a really great guy, though. If I yell because I stub my toe (often) or see a spider (more often in our weirdly spiderific apartment), Harold comes running into the room to see what's wrong. He likes the baby. He's the friendliest cat I've ever known. His former owners actually came to visit him when I told them about his illness. Everybody loves Harold. But he can be super annoying to live with at times.
By the way, Miko, I think this nanny is flirting with you. It's like the way little kids hit each other if they like each other. She's just putting you down to get a reaction.
Julie, that thought makes me happier than a unicorn riding a rainbow...
(I believe it is totally wrong, she is kind of like a neice to us both, but I am going to wrap the thought around me like a shawl and take comfort in it while I sip my tea and wait for Lawrence Welk to start.)
or niece
Hey I'm born in 86, and I watch antiques roadshow and cash in the attic! ITs addictive stuff!
yay adp!
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