Some of these numbers seem like estimates, but damn, GWTW kicked some serious ass.
First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...
I have never understood the appeal of Gone with The Wind. I remember the big deal that got made when it was broadcast on TV and my mother saying Scarlett O'Hara was just this stupid brat. It was probably nearly two decades before I saw it myself and I thought exactly the same thing. If you don't have a pre-set interest in frilly, rich Southern gentry it's never going to appeal to you. I suppose that's how some people feel about mob movies or science fiction.
I thought this list was completely whack (i.e. how does 10 Commandments 65 million in 1956 beat out Snow White's 184 million in 1937), but the note at the bottom points out that re-releases count. All the movies that seem to screw up the numbers are classic Disneys.
Actually, we use Scarlett O'Hara in psychology to illustrate histrionic personality disorder. My father teaches Abnormal Psychology at Brown and each year he assigns his students to provide cinematic examples of all the personality disorders (e.g., Taxi Driver = schizoid).
Histrionic Personality Disorder
According to the DSM IV, histrionic personality disorder is defined as a continuous pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking behavior. It usually begins in early adulthood and presents in a variety of contexts. According to the DSM IV, a person needs to meet five of the following criteria before a diagnosis is made:
Uncomfortable in situations where he or she is not the center of attention.
Interactions with others is characterized by inappropriate sexual, seductive and provocative behavior. These individuals are very flirtatious.
Displays rapidly shifting and shallow expressions of emotions.
Consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self.
Has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail.
They show self dramatization, very theatrical.
Easily influenced by others and circumstances.
Consider relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.
Individuals are very reactionary. In group settings, they will clearly set up situations where they will pout, or leave the situation if they are not the center of attention. They have difficulty blending. They will only blend if they can be in the limelight. They can be very destructive to other relationships, and can be a clear source of marital discord since these individuals are very flirtatious and have very poor boundaries. They frequently are misdiagnosed and at times confused with borderline personality disorders.
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