Monday, August 25, 2008

Is there such a thing as too cute?

Since we're being all cutesy, here's my mom's new puppy Darla. She bears a striking resemblance to Paul Stanley in the Bandit makeup...


Whirlygirl said...

So cute! I want a dog.

I'm trying to convince my neighbor to breed his poodle next door once she's old enough I missed the litter from the other poodle next door because I wasn't yet aware that they are one of the cutest breeds of dogs. I had only seen them with silly hair cuts.

miko564 said...

Whirly, not only are they cute, they are very smart as well.

Yeah, they really got the shaft with the idiots who do the foo-foo haircuts.

Whirlygirl said...

Miko, I had previously only seen poodles with stupid haircuts. They don't even resemble the same dog.

JPX said...

I just want to point out that whoever is holding the dog in that picture is not our mother!

DKC said...

JPX - I'm actually glad you said that because I was totally thinking that CANNOT be JPX's and JSP's mom!!

The dog's totally adorable though.

AC said...

darla is too damn cute! bet she gives good kisses too.

Catfreeek said...

agree, that is one seriously cute dog.

Um, one question. Did the person holding the pup get peed on or is she just sweaty?

JPX said...

Apparently the woman holding the dog lives in a dilapidated dwelling and her home is overrun with dogs and other animals. My father said that he saw a cow wandering in the backyard. The woman is a said to be quite the character and a quality breeder, but damn, the sweat, the sweat!

AC said...

and im guessing it's boob sweat too!

DKC said...

OMG - I am DYING, AC!!!

Octopunk said...

Wow! What a great post! Thanks for clearing up the "Your mom" thing, JPX. That had me rattled. And I love the new Avatar!

So, what's going on with the dog's left eye? Does it have one? Is that an eyepatch?


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