First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
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Salem's Lot 1979 and Salem's Lot 2024
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...

(2007) * First of all let me say that as far as I could tell there are absolutely no dead teenagers in this entire film. Every year just ...
Damn it! I can't watch it. for a few days my junk computer won't play any video from anywhere. It sure sounds fuckin' awesome! I'll have to view it at work tomorrow.
i plan to hire this lady as my bodyguard next time i go to a sketchy concert venue.
What the hell kinda gun is that? I don't think I've ever seen a nine-shot revolver. Looks like she's had it ever since she fortified her house against Southern rebels.
Ha! LOL, Octo.
That's a .22 revolver. Not exactly a powerhouse of a gun, but probably easy for someone with wicked arthritis to shoot. Guess it's powerful enough to scare teenage morons!
(BTW, does anyone else feel a little bit foolish everytime they write "LOL"?)
I like LOL because I mean it literally and assume others do to, i.e. it's nice when people are spending all this time alone with their keyboards to know that you actually made someone laugh.
But I get what you mean, because I often type BTW or IMO or, when I'm texting, U -- and then go back and spell the words out instead due to a misplaced self-consciousness. As if anyone cares.
I also go out of my way to put apostrophes in my contractions when I'm texting, which involves calling up another menu yadda yadda annoying.
But that's how I roll. I used to be an editor and I've always been a persnickity grammar/punctuation guy. These days I try to inflict that only upon myself. If I post a comment and then spot an error I'll repost the comment immediately and delete the first one. I'll also proofread other people's posts sometimes (cough cough... JPX. How nice to note Isaac Hayes's death with "Chief died").
"...and spell the words out instead due to a misplaced self-consciousness. As if anyone cares."
"Misplaced self-consciousness", yeah, that's what I got. I know in my head, that nobody gives a shit (in a nice way), but still I worry. I sometimes still suffer a little inferiority complex around all the degrees, as though it wasn't my choice...
Nice to hear you Ivy-league types suffer sometimes as well.
JPX makes errors true, but JPX sometimes only has a few minutes to get anything on the blog at all so he throws a lot up and fixes mistakes later (when he catches them). Besides, according to Wikipedia Hayes was also a chief, seriously. Don't believe me, check it out.
I hope nobody checks.
i'm pulled both ways with writing for the blog; i'm briefly mortified every time i post or comment with some sort of error (i'm a big one for typing "horrothon"), but tend to leave it there for all to see. part of my clinical work involves helping people with their perfectionism so i often give homework involving purposefully making mistakes. i can't ask them to do something i'm not willing to do, dammit!
miko, imo going to an ivy league school and/or getting higher degrees doesn't guarantee intelligence, the ability to write or think, a well-integrated personality, wisdom, kindness, humor, or anything else important (no offense to the ivy-leaguers and/or higher degree types on the blog).
AC, I totally agree...most days.
Then come those wonderful, "I thought I would be further along in my career by now. I should have more stuff. Man I haven't accomplished anything.” days.
On those days, I doubt my choices, and the "misplaced self-consciousness" is in full swing.
i'm guessing many of us have days like that. there's probably a certain optimal tension between striving and contentment for each of us. i personally have to be careful not to let "the man" dictate what i need to be happy.
i could blog (monologue? monoblogue?) about such topics all day but i'll spare you.
The fact that JPX's comment that pushes for Isaac Hayes's genuine chiefdom starts with the double entendre "JPX makes errors true" is awesome.
Damn it! I forgot to watch this at work, and my stupid computer at home still won't let me see it. I'm ready to take my computer and smash it into a hundred fucking pieces. No, just kidding, I'm not that mad; although, some days I do think about it. In a couple weeks I get a new computer so I can't complain about it too much.
I also hate when I notice I've made grammatical errors. I sometimes think about removing my comment and rewriting it, but I'm too lazy for that. Lately, I'm overly concerned about my punctuation. I never entirely learned all the punctuation rules, and then in playwriting commas are inserted for natural verbal pauses and are not grammatically correct. The two lines are kind of blurring for me lately. In my plays I find myself omitting commas where needed, and in everything else I sometimes insert too many commas. I’ve been finding myself stopping and debating if the comma should or should not be there. Maybe we should just omit commas all together from the English language.
AC, I also often type horrothon too.
Damn it! I forgot to watch this at work, and my stupid computer at home still won't let me see it. I'm ready to take my computer and smash it into a hundred fucking pieces. No, just kidding, I'm not that mad; although, some days I do think about it. In a couple weeks I get a new computer so I can't complain about it too much.
I also hate when I notice I've made grammatical errors. I sometimes think about removing my comment and rewriting it, but I'm too lazy for that. Lately, I'm overly concerned about my punctuation. I never entirely learned all the punctuation rules, and then in playwriting commas are inserted for natural verbal pauses and are not grammatically correct. The two lines are kind of blurring for me lately. In my plays I find myself omitting commas where needed, and in everything else I sometimes insert too many commas. I’ve been finding myself stopping and debating if the comma should or should not be there. Maybe we should just omit commas all together from the English language.
AC, I also often type horrothon too.
That woman kind of reminds me of Octo's and my Nana. Not that I think Nana ever packed heat...but who knows?
I love that she made him call 911. Ha! That guy is gonna be the laughing stock of the cell block.
Oh yeah - and I have lots of moments of "misplaced self-consciousness." Some days it feels like all day.
I have those moments of self-consciousness as well, especially when mistakes are pointed out to me. Thanks for pointing out that I'm an ass, Octo!
Just kidding =)
I no care too good about the grammer or speling so long as I'm conveying big ideas that are sophistimacated and thought provoking.
I finally got to watch the video. I fiddled around with my computer and I can watch video again. Thank God! I love that she keeps laughing while she is telling the story.
I have to look into finding old news footage. My grandparents once found a dead body in a junk yard, and I would love to have the video of them on the news. They found the body of a young woman that had possibly been sexually assaulted and then strangled to death. Her body was then dumped in the junk yard.
Whirly, I really just need a long weekend of sitting around and listening to you tell stories.
Miko, you have no idea how many bizarre stories Whirly has, it would blow your mind.
That's why JPX keeps me around.
It's true, I never know what she's going to tell me next. For 8 to 10 hours a day I listen to people tell me their innermost secrets yet Whirly still manages to top their stories with her own adventures.
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