I am a friend of Johnny Sweatpants, who has been urging me for quite some time now to join in on your blog. What he knows is that I am a certifiable horror addict so logically blogging is the next step in my world of mayhem and terror. I have been a reader and fan of your Horrorthon for some years now and finally feel it's time that the voyeur reveals herself. I mean I was beginning to feel like a some kind of weird creepy type person reading her sister's diary or something like that. You all provide such great reviews, I hope my contributions will be an adequate addition to your chronicle. I am an artist by nature so perhaps a picture post or two will overshadow my inferior writing skills.

I look forward to being a part of your society.
Can't wait for October!
Welcome Catfreek! (3 "e's", eh?) I think you'll fit in nicely and you'll be a force to reckon with in October.
Awesome, badass artwork, as usual. You should post a link to your site.
(Incidentally Catfreeek's name is not an exaggeration. She has like 40 cats last time I checked...)
Hey now, I only have 4 and 1 stray outside. Unless you count the endless parade of neighbors cats that come to visit and of course the raccoons, opossums & skunks.
Damn! Our house is like that Over the Hedge movie!
wwww.catfreeek.com btw.
A crazy cat woman? Do we really want the likes of that kind of person on our blog? Damn straight we do! Welcome! Those pictures are awesome, you'll fit right in. October will be your test, we require 31 movies in 31 days to be part of our little club. Actually I'm just kidding. Welcome, Catfreeek.
welcome catfreeek! any horror-loving, cat-loving, artistic johnny sweatpants friend is a friend of ours.
Jeez! You guys are making me feel all warm & fuzzy and shit like that.
Welcome Catfreek! Hey, I'm not the newbie anymore! Catfreek has to buy the drinks now, yay!
All I can picture is you walking down your street hurling cats at people as they pass...
You're not too far off Miko... Other fun Catfreek facts:
- she also worked at Showcase Seekonk
- she introduced me to the Dandy Warhols way back in the nine-eight.
- she recently got me hooked on the show Dexter.
whoah, catfreeek, i owe you eternal gratitude for your role in my dandy warhols obsession. will you be attending any of their shows this fall? if you live in the northeast i have a spare ticket to the boston show... it will be a horrorthon-heavy crowd.
miko and catfreeek, newbie showdown in october! i don't know who to root for....
Great to meet you Catfreek! I looked briefly at your website. Awesome! I wish I could say more, but I've barely had a moment to myself at work. These attorneys won't give me a moments peace today.
Ok Miko, drinks are on me. What's your poison? Oh & I would never hurl a cat, I'd definitely hurl a few of those little yippy dogs & quite possible a squirrel or two but a cat, never.
AC, wow! I'm so glad my Dandy Warholiness has rubbed off & is spreading like a itchy rash. They are so worthy of our praise. Unfortunately I'm afraid I'll have to respectfully decline your spare ticket, enticing as it is I will be unable to make that show. I do so appreciate it though. Scream a little louder for me, will ya.
Fun Johnny Sweatpants facts:
-his greatest achievement at Showcase was farting into the megaphone in a theater fully packed with old people waiting to watch Bridges of Madison County
-he was once caught by his boss at a temp job while xeroxing his face
-he introduced me to The Verve
may i go on record (not for the first time) as saying i love johnny sweatpants fart stories? he has a certain flair in these matters.
Better that than another poor homeless man....
Hey, hey, this thread is about Catfreeek. How did it devolve into another discussion of the further adventures of my ass?
At one job I sat on a copier and made dozens of copies of my ass and then filed them in various places around the office. It sounds funny but the picture was actually pretty gross. Still, imagining the look on their faces is priceless...
You never fail to make me laugh.
Welcome, Catfreeek! I also wanted to state for the record that I was the one who had the megaphone HANDED to him immediately following said fart. And I had to make an impassioned Jimmy Fund speech without cracking up.
*sigh* Late to the party again...
Welcome Catfreeek! Another female to join the fold - we are TAKING OVER!!
I read the Dexter book and loved it, unfortunately I do not have Showtime so cannot catch the show.
Love the JSP fart story - keep them coming! Er - well, they don't all have to be about farts - just LOL funny like that one!
Hey Handsome, one thing I always wanted to ask you. Did the megaphone smell?
Welcome catfreeek. I'm like you and had been meaning to join in on Horrorthon fun for years now, and finally made the plunge a couple months ago.
They're good people.
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