(Awesome post Whirlygirl -- I'd never seen that picture before. And I thought both the party hat and subliminal birthday music suggestions were genius.)
I've had a lot of wonderful friends over the years, but JPX holds the untopplable title as my oldest one. Since we braved the bitchy rule of Mrs. Springthorpe, our meany fourth grade teacher, it's been my pleasure to nerd it up with my favorite co-nerd. The image above is circa X-mas 2005, when I released a few Lego Star Wars dudes into his custody. Other moments that have occured to me today:
In sixth grade, again under the steely Springthorpe rule, we made Star Wars coloring books for the annual Consumer Fair. That meant we could spend class time drawing pictures of Star Wars, blatantly defy copyright law (some pics were even traced from legit coloring books) and, since in the end my Dad's office copier handled all the production for free, we completely subverted the mercantile educational value the Consumer Fair was supposed to bestow. Hee hee. I still have those in storage; I'll have to post samples of our work some day.
One year on JPX's birthday, I got him the still hard-to-find Klaatu figure, and then dangled it out the car window while we went to go bowling or roller skating or whatever. Also, I'm pretty sure I wrapped the small blister-carded figure in several layers of paper and inside an oversized box to be annoying.
For another of JPX's birthdays, or perhaps the same one, we camped in tents in the backyard. Four of the group got to sleep in the high-end Harry Potter style tent, with spacious insides, cots and a fireplace. I was stuck with Bryce Hall in the other tent, basically a sack hanging off a pole. The following morning I awoke to the sight of JPX placing a smoke bomb the size of a can of Raid inside the tent with me and zipping it shut.
Happy Birthday JPX! You jerk.
i'm rolling on the floor laughing, the more so because i know it's all true!
Ha! Thanks for the memories. God, we have had many ridiculous nerd adventures, like camping out on the island on Brickyard Pond, having bottle rocket fights at night and waking up covered with dew. Or leaving our dreadful Rhode Island Country Club greens keeping job during lunch breaks to hightail it to your house for a quick roof jump into your swimming pool, or instead of working, parking our golf cart hidden in trees from the others so we could quickly pound McDonald's Chicken McNuggets. Or sneaking into an oyster bed near your house and grabbing up dozens of oysters to grill up at your house. Or all the visits to fleamarkets in search of toys. Or our ongoing pursuit of Super Powers action figures when you somehow got your dad's car stuck on a parking lot island. Or when you outwitted a group of nerds to be the first one in a Kay Bee Toys to get the best Star Wars figures Or...there's so many more. Thanks man.
OMG - you guys are soooo cracking me up!
Great post, Octo - priceless!
awesome post, and the pic is great too.
I can't believe JPX put a smoke bomb in you tent. Harsh.
So when the hell are you and Octo going to transfer/remaster Jeff & Jeff's Pandemonium and post it on YouTube? It's a crime against humanity that you haven't posted that yet...
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