From geekology, Well folks, it's been a while since we've seen some Star Wars inspired deliciousness here on Geekologie, but at long last, the wait is over. A tipster sent in this Han Solo frozen in carbonite cake that his mom made for what was probably the kick-assiest birthday party ever. And as you can see, Han is looking delicious. I bet he'd go great with a "Solo" cup full of jungle juice! Get it? Because Solo is also a brand of cheap plastic cups. You know, the kind you play beerpong with. At sausage parties. Like the one I went to on Saturday. So yeah, whoever you were: I puked behind your couch.
Is it me or does the frosting look suspiciously like pencil lead?
Yeah, I was wondering what possible flavor that could be.
Also - why does Han Solo look like Mr. Bill from SNL?
I was thinking the same thing kinda, but I couldn't decide if it was Mr. Bill or one of the creepy blank faced kids from Pink Floyd's the Wall.
Please tell me that was Octo/Julies wedding cake.
It looks to me like the mom carbon-froze one of her kid's teddy bears.
Oh man, I would have loved that as our cake! But we actually had profiteroles. Cream puffs with gelato and chocolate sauce. Yummy!
My mom kept talking about a cake, but we just didn't end up getting one.
For ONE thing, I really would like Octo to make the little figures on the top of the cake, and we didn't have time for it.
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