Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Hey, JPX, how are you liking "Space: 1999"?

Recently JPX mentioned that he'd rented the first DVD of the 1975 British sci-fi television series Space: 1999, starring Martin Landau and Angelina Jolie, which is one of my favorite television shows (and one of Octopunk's, too). You may recall my review of the Season Two Space: 1999 episode "The Bringers of Wonder" for Horrorthon 2006.

Despite my contempt for the disastrous second season of the program (a contempt not entirely shared by Octopunk), I still think that Space: 1999 is one of the pinnacles of filmed/televised science fiction. The show's far-fetched premise -- the Earth's moon, blasted out of orbit by a nuclear explosion in the near future, travels through the universe encountering strange alien planets and life forms -- can be hard to get your mind around, but once you accept it you're in for some great sci-fi (and some groundbreaking special effects).

The largely British cast excelled in their portrayal of a near-future moon community, led by Commander John Koening (Landau), professor Victor Bergman (Barry Morse) and Dr. Helena Russell (Jolie), and the overall vibe of the show was a fantastic example of post-Kubrick, post-moon-landing, pre-Star Wars sensibilites about earth, space and the universe. (The aforementioned nuclear explosion that begins the series is supposed to be caused by improperly-disposed-of nuclear waste -- a thinly-veiled commentary on 1970s concerns about energy and pollution.)

Anyway, JPX, how are you liking it so far?


HandsomeStan said...

I always love how you both conspicuously avoid Haiku Hump Day, and also post random great stuff. Almost in rebellion against the Wednesday Stranglehold.

This is great. I've gotta go revisit 1999.

Catfreeek said...

I loved this series and you're making me want to revisit as well.

JPX said...

Funny you should ask. I was late getting to work today because I was waiting for my computer to finish burning disc 4. I haven’t started my marathon yet because I wanted to acquire all the episodes before doing so. I have a steady stream of discs coming in from Netflix and I anticipate having all the episodes by next week. I promise to post my thoughts as I start combing through the series.

It’s funny, Whirlygirl is a big fan of Shakespeare and she’s read all of his work except one play. She once told me that she’s going to wait until the end of her life to read it because she likes knowing that there is one play by a favorite playwright that remains unread. She likes to know that she will always have this play to look forward to reading. I know exactly what she means. There are many classic movies, books, and television shows that I’ve never read or seen because I like knowing that they’re out there and I’ll get to enjoy them some day. Raging Bull? Nope, I’ve never seen it. Lord of the Rings? Nope, never read it. The Office? What’s that? I recently introduced Whirlygirl to Twin Peaks and it was really fun watching her reaction to seeing it for the first time. Space 1999 is one of those shows that I’ve always wanted to see but it’s never been available in syndication. I put Space 1999 on my list of “shows I know I’ll like that I’ll watch some day”. I’m so pleased that technology has advanced to the point where we essentially have video on demand. Time to start filling in some of those holes.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Jordan I've learned that when JPX says he's going to watch something that you recommend it really means that he's not going to watch it but will keep saying that he's going to. Don't let him string you along like that.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I don't get the Angelina Jolie thing?

Octopunk said...

The Angelina Jolie thing is great! Because, see, the actual actress (Martin Landau's wife at the time, probably shoehorned into the cast at his insistence) is just awful! Her name is...

Hey, it worked! I forgot!

Anyway, don't let it deter you from watching the show, JPX, it's still great. Or, if what your brother says is true, don't let it deter you from not watching the show, but saying you will.

JPX said...

I'm totally going to watch it, I'm currently collecting all the episodes. Jsp, did you like Watchmen? Oh yeah, you keep saying you're going to watch it but...

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I did watch Watchmen and loved it. Boo ya!

You ain't gonna win this game: (polite cough) Dexter, Six Feet Under, Extras, Brotherhood, Big Love, The Human Face, City of God, Jesus Camp, Ravenous....

Catfreeek said...

JPX I subscribe to the same tactic as you & Whirly,I actually have a whole collection of unopened classics on dvd that I'm saving for the boredom of retirement.

Whirlygirl said...

JSP, I've pratically put three seasons of Dexter in his hands, and he still refuses.

Jordan said...

Friends of mine have "made" me watch Lost, Battlestar Galactica and The Wire, and they're all incredible. I "made" a couple of friends start watching Lost and a couple of other shows.

On the other hand, Octopunk tried to get me into Firefly, but I only watched three or four episodes because I didn't like it very much. This was a point of contention between us, because Octopunk argues that I still have to watch it all, while I kind of believe that the whole "make somebody watch something" maneuver is based on the premise that the other person will immediately like the thing in question (which is what happened in those other instances).

Every so often there's a misfire (like me with Firefly). About five years ago I gave my Tolkien-avoiding friend Brett copies of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy (theatrical version). He and his wife turned it off after watching about a third of Fellowship; neither of them were enjoying it. Fine; just not "his thing." Misfire.

Catfreeek said...

You should all be watching "Breaking Bad" and if you're not then shame on you.

JPX said...

There have been several times over the years when patients, brimming with enthusiasm, have brought me in books to read. This is always a dilemma for me because on the one hand I don't wish to hurt their feelings by not reading their book but on the other hand I don't enjoy the pressure of having to read a book just because someone else likes it - of course, if it's someone I trust such as my fellow Horrorthonners I'd be more inclined to read it (thank you, AC, for turning me on to Shutter Island a few years ago).

I find myself in a similar position with television shows. JSP is correct, he has made several passionate suggestions for television shows to watch, and I trust him immensely, but I've dilly-dallied over the years because, well, it can be a large commitment. I don't doubt that most suggestions from people I trust are sound, but committing upwards 50-100 hours to a specific show can be overwhelming.

Sometimes I just know that in all likelihood I won't like certain shows. I've avoided Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dexter, and Firefly, for example, because the descriptions I read about them didn't grab/intrigue me. This doesn't mean that they're not good or that I wouldn't enjoy them, it just means that I'm less inclined to devote many hours to a show when there are a ton of other things I want to watch. I can perfectly understand wanting others to watch and share in my enthusiasm over a new discovery. For example, I recently started going through the 30 Rock seasons because, well, the first season was sitting in my parents' Vermont house and it was the middle of winter. Whirly and I thought, "Let's just try one episode..." We were hooked. I want everyone to watch 30 Rock, it's hilarious, but I know that it would a 40+ hour commitment. I recently discovered The Big Bang Theory and similarly I was hooked after one episode. Are any of you guys watching it? Perhaps not, but I would recommend checking it out. I feel the same way about How I Met Your Mother, a show I've attempted to get JSP to watch for years.

Wow, I'm totally rambling here. My main point in all of this is that in time I'm certain that I'll give all the shows that people tell me are good a shot. For years I've been thinking about Space 1999 and now it's on deck and I can't wait.

Whirly, more 30 Rock this weekend?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

JPX I can understand Buffy & Firefly & most of the ones I mentioned but you're obligated to watch Dexter for Horrorthon purposes alone. Also the Pipe in the Ass factor is pretty strong.

I tried a couple of episodes of How I Met Your Mother but I just can't bring myself to watch sitcoms made after Seinfeld.

I have Space 1999 in my queue too by the way.

Octopunk said...

Awesome! Space: 1999 fest.

(It's more fun if you include the colon, because it just ups the ridiculousness.

"Where are we?"


Or just the idea that any one show could depict everything going on in space. I love it.)

Nobody gets a free pass for Firefly. It was only one season and it builds upon its awesomeness like the Harry Potter series.

For the record, Julie and I are both completist devotees of both Dexter and 30 Rock.

Octopunk said...

Oh, I just saw Jordan's comment. You should watch Firefly again. You were wrong the first time. It's awesome.

We had a dinner guest the other night and he tuned us into Breaking Bad because it was on that night. It was pretty damn good.

JPX said...

Hmmm, I like the idea of a Horrorthon: Television Edition. I could see reviewing all episodes of shows like The Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Tales From the Darkside, Dexter, etc...

Catfreeek said...

Tony & I just watched season's 1 & 2 of "Breaking Bad", season 3 is airing now. The show is outstanding, a very pleasant surprise.

JPX watch Dexter!!

Catfreeek said...

Oh and 30Rock is the only sitcom I have pretty faithfully watched since Seinfeld.

Jordan said...

It's a tone thing and its a taste thing. Some people love Wes Anderson and some people can't stand him. I found The Royal Tennenbaums almost literally unwatchable; many people think its brilliant. I liked Rushmore and I liked Fantastic Mr. Fox a lot, probably because I didn't have to look at anyone doing any Wes Anderson acting. (Kind of like how Holly Hunter won an Oscar for not speaking.)

And, I think I just don't like Joss Whedon. It may be as simple as that. The concepts, the costumes, the jokes, the casting...not my thing.

JPX said...

"I found The Royal Tennenbaums almost literally unwatchable;" Thank you! I hated this movie yet I've always felt as though I was the one who felt this way. I always thought that I just didn't "get it" (see also Napoleon Dynamite). The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is the only Anderson film I liked. Part of the problem is that I'm really not a big fan of Bill Murray (I know, I now, it's a sacrilegious statement).

Jordan said...

Having said all that, I trust Octopunk and I'll eventually get around to watching the rest of the series. (I'll probably start over, too.)

Octopunk said...

Eh, I don't know. I haven't met anyone who's watched Firefly and not dug it, but I've had this feeling that JPX, like Jordan, just might not like it on a sort of base level.

I could go on and on about why I love it. If nothing else, Jordan, you should watch it just to groove on the interior/exterior setting of that spaceship. It's everything the interior/exterior relationship on the Millennium Falcon isn't. It culminates in the beginning of the movie, during which a long, single shot takes you all around the ship.

JPX said...

Oh I trust your sci-fi opinion, Octo, and I'll certainly watch Firefly/Serenity. Perhaps I'll make it a sci-fi summer along with my Space: 1999 marathon.

JPX said...

Jordan noted above, “It's a tone thing and its a taste thing.” I think he hit it on the head for me regarding tone. For example, I have never heard a single negative thing about Battlestar Galactica yet the tone of all the pictures I’ve ever seen in articles/ads have left me uninterested. There’s something about pictures of the full cast standing around looking glum that just turns me off. I’ve never seen a single scene from the series but based on the pictures I’ve seen my sense has always been, “This is a show about people in the future standing around and talking…a lot.” To date I have never seen a single picture of any space battles or laser fights. I’m told that there are Cylons but they look just like us. It’s for these reasons that I’ve never been compelled to watch a single episode. There’s a weird conflict that goes on in my brain; on the one hand trusted sources assure me that the show is awesome yet on the other hand everything I’ve ever seen in magazines diminishes my interest. I think I need Jordan to put together his own “trailer” for the show =)

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Speaking of recommendations JPX, I'm going to watch Laura tonight. If there's one thing you're always good for it's film noir recommendations.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

50 Page made me watch the first episode of Battlestar and I was impressed with the scope and ambition but I haven't started chugging through the episodes. Another friend forced me to watch one of the new V episodes. Despite the right wing undertones I enjoyed it.

Octopunk said...

Interestingly enough, the spaceship scenes in Firefly and Battlestar share a similar technique. That is, a conceit that what you're seeing is being shot by someone with a handheld camera, who might suddenly notice a detail and zoom in on it (this handheldedness is more pronounced in BSG)

JPX said...

JSP, Laura is excellent!

Jordan said...

Joss Whedon wrote Alien Resurrection! I just discovered this. Why am I not surprised?

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