Thursday, April 29, 2010

Was there really any question?

JSP's hilarious summation of The Giving Tree made me literally laugh out loud, and kept me giggling all day. I have never been very fond of that story for the exact reason that Johnny pinpointed. Thanks to everyone for continuing to participate - even after we all knew he had aced it:

The boy was greedy
He used the tree like a whore
And gave nothing back

Congrats, JSP!!


Octopunk said...

It's a new first: the very first haiku out of the gate is the winner. Congrats, Johnny, you really stuck the dismount on that one.

I also liked this one of Julie's, which I read for the first time just now:

Good little monkey
Always very curious
That is your penis.

I was trying to come up with a Madeline one but I never got it together. Great topic, DCD!

AC said...

inspired and hilarious haiku, johnny!

Catfreeek said...

Way to go Johnny Fussypants, you knocked out the competition in one blow!

Great topic Brain, brought back a whole bunch of cool memories from my childhood (waiting for those monthly Dr. Seuss books to come in) as well as memories of reading to my kids when they were little.

Where the hell is Stan?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I must say I am quite pleased with myself. I also liked JPX and Octo's take:

Was the tree selfless?
Nah, he was an enabler
Made the kid helpless

That tree was lazy
Produced one batch of apples
And never grew more

I actually love that book. It makes me sad when I think about the old man sitting on the stump and the tree's unconditional love for him.

Great topic but that was tough!

Handsome Stan is up to no good.

JPX said...

Congrats, jerk

Julie said...

Yes, JSP, you're always good with HHD, but you really outdid yourself this time. Way to be. Congrats!

Salem's Lot 1979 and Salem's Lot 2024

Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...