So there I was in line when the rack of Doritos' X-13D flavored chips jumped out at me. The small print says "This is the X-13D Flavor Experiment." Now how in the holy heck could I pass up that opportunity? I threw 99 of my hard-earned cents their way and took part in this scientifically historical event.
I think the way it works is some lucky genius wil name this dazzling new taste experience and get a year's supply of X-13D (can you tell I'm pretending to say that part in a booming voice? I totally am).
Anyway, they taste like fast food burgers. For real, the taste -- and even the aftertaste -- is exactly like that combination of mustard, pickles, ketchup and onions you'd get from eating a McDonald's hamburger.
So..."Burger Time?" "Hold the Pickles?" "Drive-Thru Daze?" The mind reels.
Well I can see how you got sucked in by the concept and promotion. I'm a sucker for any and all new products myself - my latest craze is the elusive Vitamin Energy drinks.
That picture is hilarious. The bag looks pretty damn big for $0.99 but maybe it's closer to the camera than it appears.
The taste sounds intriguing too, I just can't picture it.
As for the suggested names, I think some more thought is required. "Burger Time" probably won't fly because it will scare people by suggesting that there is highly processed meat in their chips. Also, wasn't that an old arcade game?
"Hold the Pickles" is a disaster, mainly because you identified pickles as an existing flavor, making the request confusing.
I must say "Drive By Daze" has a nice ring to it but it suggests intoxication.
Of course, all 3 are better than the ideas that immediately leapt to my mind: Chipples, Chip Chops and Chippee-Doodles. Man, I really need to give those Jughead Double Digests a break...
Re: Chipples, Chip Chops and Chippee-Doodles,
LO fucking L! That cracks me up each time I read it.
After I posted this I had the opportunity to eat an already established and named Doritos flavor called Smoked Cheddar Barbecue, which I have to say was a welcome relief from the lingering Flavor EX - THIRTEEN DEEEEE!!!
But I don't know if rejecting the flavor outright is on the table.
LOL @ johnny's post.
Chips that taste like Mc Donalds... I don't know about that. **scared**
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