When looking to back up what I ran earlier this week, IESB uncovered a piece of info that I sat on, and they reported it, so now I’m reporting it as well – Cate Blanchett is the baddie in the film, and she’s been seen in the last week running around in a Soviet military uniform (that’s some pre-production stuff, I believe, not actually shooting anything).
I’m glad that IESB backed up what I ran (nice ‘typo’ on their sourcing, by the way. I laughed!), but I am going to go on record saying that I am not 100% sure that the Area 51 scene is the opening. I’ve based that on some assumptions and Darabont’s draft.
Also, and this is probably a major spoiler: [deleted by JPX] – is the driving background of this story.
IESB promises to get some more info in the coming weeks. I think we’re on the verge of having this movie spoiled to shit already, so I’d like to plead to these guys to consider dialing it back a little, although it’s quite possible that they won’t run anything too major (and it’s possible that what I ran in the invisotext above was more spoilery than I intended. So beware of that info).
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