Tickets are on sale for:
The Australian Pink Floyd Show
Orpheum Theatre, Boston
Wed, 10/15/08 8:00pm
Apparently APF are are performing The Wall in its entirety, so I have to be there. Sorry I didn't have time this am to check in with anyone, and the show is midweek during Horrorthon, so I only bought tickets for myself this morning. If any other 'thonners are interested, I recommend getting tickets ASAP; if any Floyd purists want to tease me, be my guest.
Proving, once again, I have gotten really old, I saw these guys on PBS. They really were amazing.
Purists can scoff all they want, good luck to them as they wait for the next actual tour.
AC, at the end of the year we should make you a t-shirt for 2008, listing all the concerts you attended, dates, venues, etc.
thanks for the support miko! you pegged my rationale: i may never see the real pink floyd; the wall is possibly my favorite album ever; these guys are really good; they're coming to my doorstep in october.
frankly i'd be embarrassed to wear said 2008 concert t-shirt. some things are best kept between a girl and her blog.
Australian Floyd is allegedly amazing and they managed to purchase a lot of the vintage Floyd stage props.
I caught Steve Miller and Joe Cocker on Friday. They both sucked as did the company I was with. On the plus side the Concord Sleep Train Pavilion is another kickass venue 'round these parts.
You can wear it beneath your clothes AC. I would wear it though. Maybe an "I know AC Tour" shirt, perhaps JSP could design it for us.
Wow, bad music, and bad company, that sucks Johnny.
I on the otherhand, took the whole fam to one of the fairs around here in Podunk, and it was GREAT. Rides, food (they call em funnel cakes here), cows/sheep/goats/pigs (my wife and kid were petting them all, I don't pet my food), demolition derby, etc.
I want an "I know AC Tour" shirt too!
johnny sweatpants, sorry to hear the show sucked! any details you care to share about the suckage and/or the bad company? jpx and i shared details of our respective concert gropage with the gang, so there's precedent....
miko, the podunk fair sounds awesome, i have a particular fondness for local agricultural fairs. please tell me there was a tractor pull of some sort? or any good carny stories? actually a local fair is the only place you could wear your ac tour t-shirt without attracting unwelcome attention and/or getting beat up. bet you'd look adorable in it too.
dcd, i thought you had my back! what about blog sisterhood?
AC, you ain't kidding! You could wear ANYTHING to the fair and not feel silly.
No tractor-pulls, but Micro-sprint car racing and motorcycles inside steel spheres!!
We are looking forward to the Allentown fair at the end of the month, much bigger, and more livestock presumably. It's funny, none of them are my taste, but the entertainment is huge for a agri-fair. Toby Keith, Jonas Brothers, Daughtry, Brooks and Dunne/ZZ top, Simple Plan PLUS 4H competition and Cake bake-offs. It will be good-ole' fun.
JSP, I want to hear more of the suckage as well.
miko, i'm impressed that a man who travels so much for work is still willing to cart the family around to country fairs. are the children well behaved or ill behaved in the car? if the latter, stories please!
I thought the t-shirt was a good thing! Like an homage to your prolific concert-going. I'm all about havin' your back, lady!
I am also envious of the county fair. I went to one once w/my Nana in NJ - I thought it was great. They had a horse and (damn, what are those things called that aren't buggies per se, but they have two wheels...) oh well, anyway one of those.
I secretly always wanted to live on a farm anyway.
DCD, they're called sulkies. (OK, I had to look that up) They use them for harness racing, here in PA some folks call 'em "trotters".
There is big harness track by my folks house in the Poconos. Actually, the Mohegan Sun folks just bought it, so it is now a track, plus casino.
AC, after traveling, it's hard to get me away from the kids. Sorry, no good car stories, they are great in the car. (The secret, BTW, at least for Amelia is the portable DVD player. Pure genius)
Also, I too consider the AC Tour T-shirt as a badge of honor. I haven't been to a concert in years, so I admire from afar.
thanks dcd and miko for the reassurance. i thought you were making fun of me (rightfully so)for my cheesy and indiscriminate concert-going. i hope you know the real concertgoer among us is jsp, plus he has much better musical taste. i just yap about it more on the blog. instead of an ac t-shirt, i suggest a jsp concert t-shirt so we can all reap undeserved coolness by association.
miko, if the allentown fair musical "entertainment" doesn't count as a concert, and you have any interest in live music whatsoever, you know you always have a concert buddy in me.
i vote someday we do a horrorthon reunion... with kids... at a county fair! think of the chaos and the mayhem. it's what horrorthon is all about, really.
Let the chaos and mayhem rule!
Regarding Steve Miller - it wasn't as much a disaster as it was just really lame. He was a little too proud of himself for a musician that hasn't released any new material in 2 decades (not that I'm begging for it). And he milked Time Keeps on Slipping Into the Future for everything it was worth.
He should've played Time Keeps on Slipping Into the Future as the first song, middle song, and final encore.
Or is it called Fly Like and Eagle?
I saw Steve Miller once. I agree, totally lame. I only went because a friend wanted me to go. I've never really cared for Steve Miller.
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