Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Dark Knight Sets New Record: $400 Million in 18 Days

From slashfilm, The Dark Knight has just crossed the $400 million mark in a record setting amount of time - just 18 days of release. To give you an idea of just how big that is, let me share with you the previous record holder - Shrek 2, which crossed the same $400 mark in 43 days! It’s also worth noting that the movie is still grossing over $6 million on a Monday, which is more money than X-Files 2 took in during the film’s premiere Saturday/Sunday.


DKC said...

Yeah, still haven't seen it.

Octopunk said...

X-Files 2 opened to less than 6 million? Ooh, ouch.

Hee hee hee

AC said...

wah, neither have i seen dark knight yet (though i know it's not going anywhere). these damn conferences, stonerthon, concerts, and the (non-horrorthon) bad movie minithon this saturday are bat-blocking me.

JPX said...

I watched X-Files 2, it was terrible, a 90 minute sleeping pill that could only be considered one of the weaker episodes of the television series.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...