Daaaaaamn! I had to kick off my stonerthon with this classic urban stoner comedy. Unlike some other picks in this genre, "Friday" is a decent movie. Set for the most part on Craig's porch in South Central L.A., Stoney and Craig get high, observe neighborhood antics, anger a drug dealer, and try to get with the ladies. Chris Tucker's manic Stoney and Ice Cube's everyman Craig are backed up by a very strong supporting cast. The slight plot and likeable characters provide sufficient scaffolding for the sometimes juvenile humor (bowel movements and butts feature prominently, not that there's anything wrong with that). I'm particularly fond of Craig's skanky lady friend, all cheap braids, 3-inch nails, and attitude. There is loads of pot smoking and pot dealing at the core of the plot, so I'm pretty sure Friday satisfies any and all stoner movie criteria. Sadly, I am given to understand the two sequels suck (thanks JSP) so unless someone can convince me otherwise, will refrain from watching them this weekend. Stonerthon!
The first sequel was godawful, I can't imagine what part 3 was like. Chris Tucker was wise to abort after the first one. Nice review, ac, I always thought this film was hilarious.
thanks jpx! are you participating in stonerthon this weekend?
Indeed, I have one lined up...
good man.
Nice review. Students have been raving about this one to me for years--I'll have to give it a shot one of these days.
I had one all fired up (Boondock Saints, which I "think" is about some drug dealing Irish hoods) but my damn burned copy froze 2 seconds into the flick. Ugh.
When a burned copy "freezes", simply press "stop" on your remote and then hit "play" and you should be fine.
This is one of those freezes caused by a label--does the stop/play thing work for that?
Great review AC! I never watched this movie. I'll have to check it out some time in the future. AC, I think you need to watch the other two for stonerthon and let us know how terrible they are.
Hmmm, you got me there, Landshark. I never use labels because I've been told that they might cause these kinds of difficulties.
Nice AC. Friday is one of those rare movies that makes me laugh aloud every single time.
"No sugar? Damn. Y'all ain't never got two things that match. Either y'all got Kool-aid, no sugar. Peanut butter, no jelly. Ham, no burger. Daaamn. ..."
thank you landshark. i am pretty sure you will enjoy friday when you get around to it. hope your technological problems have been solved.
whirlygirl, if we were doing a longer stonerthon i would consider watching the two friday sequels.
jsp, i almost quoted "ham, no burger. daaaaamn!" in my review. classic line.
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