Monday, August 04, 2008

Scary cat!

Sigh. Not really, it's just our awesome cat Harold doing that eerie eye-glow thing that cats do. We had to put the poor guy to sleep today, and while it was what needed to be done it was very sad to see him go. You can read my longer post about Harold here.


AC said...

sorry to hear about the demise of harold the wonder cat. i enjoyed the post on the other blog, though now i seem to have something in my eye....

miko564 said...
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Whirlygirl said...

I'm also sorry to hear about Harold. I read the other post. He was so cute.

DKC said...

I commented on monsters as well.

Love you!

miko564 said...

Yeah, me too, AC.

I had to do this for the first time in October with my namesake, Miko. It sucks.

Stay in tonight, drink too much, and make a couple caves...

Sorry guys.

JPX said...

Sorry to hear about this. My parents' dog, Abby, died unexpectedly last week as well.

AC said...

sorry miko about miko-the-dog and sorry jpx and jsp about abby. now i feel like rushing home to see if chewy cat is all right. :(

The Mr. said...

Sorry Octo/Julie, think I'll give Miso extra hugs


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...