Friday, June 18, 2010

The 15 cruelest deaths in Star Trek history

4) Yeoman Leslie Thompson

From toplessrobot, Alien beings sure liked to demonstrate their great power to Captain Kirk, which would usually be responded to with an impassioned speech from Kirk about the wonders of humanity. In this episode, the alien-of-the-week, Rojan the Kelvan, transformed this unfortunate female redshirt into a block of dehydrated crystal and showed his superiority by crumbling the block in his hands like it was a piece of Styrofoam, which it probably actually was. (TOS, "By Any Other Name")

See the full list here


JPX said...

Seeing that dehydrated crystal crumbled scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.

Octopunk said...

Yes! I always thought that death was ballsy because there's two possible people to go and it's the chick, not the guy, that gets smashed. That surprised me.

It would be funny if those aliens had blocks of crystallized people around to season their food.

Octopunk said...

Pretty good list. I've always liked Generations and as such find the whining about Kirk's death annoying. But whatever.

Jordan said...

1) By Any Other Name is a totally kick-ass TOS episode; one of my favorites, and one of the two or three total third-season standouts. It also stars Barbara Bouchet, one of the five or so totally smoking hot babes on TOS.

What's particularly funny is that more than a few people are laboring under the misconception that the aliens turn the humans into dodecahedrons. If you look at the photo, they're obviously not dodecahedrons -- just foam cubes with the corners cut off -- but genius David Gerrold (author of The Trouble With Tribbles and a bunch of other sci-fi stories and essays) even uses a footnote to sanctimoniously explain what a dodecahedron is, because it doesn't matter how smart you are if you don't use your fucking eyes. (Write that down in your aphorism book!)

2) Post-J. J. Abrams Trek, it's (unfortunately) difficult for me to get into TNG stuff, since (despite my warming to it over the past 10 years and actually watching all 7 seasons) I remain convinced that TNG was a big bucket of liquid nerd cheese that got poured over Star Trek, rendering it unpalatable to nearly everyone on earth except super-geek-nerds...and that J. J. Abrams somehow sucked all that nerd-cheese out of Trek and returned it to its true form. But that's just my opinion. It just means that every time I see a frame from TNG (inevitably showing some pink, purple, and beige hotel lounge from the Enterprise D) I just think, Thank God for J. J. Abrams.

3) I agree with Octopunk. It's a measure of the aforementioned problem that TNG fans don't like this movie and prefer First Contact, which really is one of the worst things I've ever seen (although it's technically very well done).


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