From horror movies.ca, "Exorcism, demonic haunting and ghost stories are ruling the world of horror movies today with there high intense storylines and religious backdrops making today's movies very moving and hard hitting. One thing is for sure though An American Haunting was not like the rest of the dribble out there today, this was very entertaining,

scary and satisfying and also worth the money for once. American Haunting wastes no time in setting itself up as a thriller with something more on its mind than just simply rehashing the same old scare tactics that every 'Exorcist' remake/ has to resorts to. Directed by Courtney Solomon, manages to create something that The Exorcism of Emily Rose fails to do, So the plot outline. Between the years 1818-1820, the Bell Family of Red River, Tennessee was visited by an unknown presence that haunted the family and eventually ended up causing the death of one its members. Starting with small sounds around the farm, and the sitting of a a strange BLACK WOLF with piercing yellow eyes, the sounds escalated into full brutal contact with the certain family members, causing psychological and physical torment.
The performances by Donald Sutherland and Rachel Hurd-Wood are absolutely wonderful, very deep and they do the movie justice making this movie not just a story but it drags you into the family and you feel so much more. The real star is Rachel Hurd-Wood. She gives the best performance of her short career. She is wonderful as a young girl in the clutches of pure evil. I had seen Courtney Solomon's first film, "Dungeons & Dragons" and was extremely disappointed. Solomon more than makes up for his past failures, but this really does make up for all the failures. So the choice of cast were just right for the movie and with emotional acting comes great rewards and I think that An American Haunting was a success just purely because the actors suited so well and gelled within the movie walls extremely well.
The movie reminded me a lot of the "The Others" with Nicloe Kidman the film really delivers and it says something important at the same time, something within that effects you without shouting it out at you. But aside from the deep messages the movie does actually scare you at the same time and I felt myself jumping out of my sweaty seat again and again through the movie. The scenes look fantastic creating the perfect setting for a olden day horror movie, even the mist creped me out enough to focus on my pot of salsa rather than the absolutely terrifying movie on the screen. Powerful scenes of rape and touchier of this 15 year old girl fill the screens which is really eye watering to watch and because of its frequent appearance on screen it made me feel a little sad and sick watching it. Too much focus on the rape of a innocent girls is too much for me, give me a slaughtered guy in a bread bin and I'm happy! Still great dark scenes with loud audio smashing made me jump out my skin the whole way through.
The story was decent and I also feel it was a scary movie, right up to the ending. The movie builds up this sense of horror inside this evil house, but then ends with a silly sequence that supposedly ties everything together. That's the only disappointment to the movie, throughout the movie its such a clear straight forward horror movie that actually works and then disaster! The movie flips around and starts trying to become something more and starts twisting and turning on the screen making the fans of the movie confused about what actually happens in the end. After 20 minuets of working it out I'm satisfied but I think being straight all the way through and then trying to be as difficult as The Dark 2006 at the end really did not do it any favours. The cinematography by master Adrian Biddle and the score by Caine Davidson are first rate, and help propel you into an unforgettable ghost story that will linger in your memory and haunt your dreams/nightmares for months after.
Even though the movie is scary it fails to be anything than a standard scare for me. I expected this movie to be another movie like "Emily Rose" where the director tries to compensate for a slow plot with pretty choreography. But it doesn't and it holds its own as a great horror movie and one ill be buying as soon as it hits the shelf's. If you looking for a solid horror movie that's going to help you get into a females pants, please my friends take this home."
I'm not sure what they're on about with those posters, but the interplay is pretty fun. I'd seen the top one in NYC, and when JPX directed my to the other one I thought at first it was upside down.
Top one's creepier.
Okay now I've read as much of this review as I could...do a spell check, you loser!
I think we all know better than to trust this dude's advice about getting into "a females pants."
I agree... I liked the movie, but not the ending. It gives you the "WTF" mentality. Still a good movie just don't expect the ending to be spectacular. **nice blog**
I've lived in Tennesse my whole life and I just have to say that although the film is based on true events , the only thing the writer got the truth of was the names. We have never heard this as being a legend based on child molestation and rape, truth be told nobody is quite sure as to why the events happened or why the bells endured what they did. Some interesting accounts of the legend that should have been placed in the movie was the fact that Andrew Jackson himself visited John Bell and exp a visit from the Bell witch herself, he then left never to return, I suggest this writer stick to writing fictional movies as they are obviously good at that and please don't go around writing movies based on true events and then make the whole movie a lie for ratings, you have made a mockery of Tennessee's greatest legend to try and line your pocket, I hope you are bankrupt from this film and to all that have seen this movie, try reading some books on the legend, they are a lot more interesting for one and closer to the truth than this writer could ever get
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