"The notion was to do a prequel to the original series and fill that void with, ostensibly, a trilogy. Three films, which all would deal with Kirk's progenitor, a man by the name of Tiberius Chase... We wanted to reveal the actual cause of that war [the Romulan/Human War], which was surprising to all involved at the time. We simply wanted to reveal the truth behind that startling incident" said Jendresen.
As for its current status, he added "Essentially, what's being said is true. This is 'dead' because it's not moving forward. It's like a shark. It has got to keep moving or it's dead".'
Every time I hear one of these plot synopses I start to feel really tired.
Why don't they
1) Get all the leftover (already famous) actors
2) Put them all in a movie
3) Bring Shatner in
That's the only thing anybody wants! It's so obvious and all they do is come up with these ridiculous prequel plots. They don't seem to realize that it's the people and the stories we care about, not the "history" that they made up and keep changing anyway.
I agree. Give Nimoy and Shatner a boatload of $, set up some silly time travel plot and get all the relevant actors into the damn script.
They could all time travel to a prequel and meet their younger selves!
They could all sleep with 7 of 9
And they could play it right off of fanboy guidelines, include the good characters and ditch the bad ones. So...
TOS: Everyone who's alive, but Uhura keeps her damn clothes on.
TNG: Picard, Data, Worf, maybe Bev. I like Bev.
DS9: Sisko, Dax (Ezri), Odo
Voy: Janeway, Tuvok, Tom, Belana, 7 of 9, the Doctor, and Neelix. Plenty of Neelix. Maybe a plotline where they accidentally create a roomfull of Neelixes. Just kidding.
Ent: I don't know, that basset hound maybe? The Asian chick was all right.
Trying to grind this through the Prequel Machine would suck, suck, suckity suck. Look at Enterprise.
Man, Voyager was pretty good. Neelix, Kes and Harry would be my only throwaways, and Harry actually became okay by the end. I think I'll do up Voyager on Netflix soon. Before I do DS9.
I totally agree with those choices - are we forgetting anyone? No Q though, I don't like Q. It's no fun when you have an all-powerful character like Q because you know in the end he'll just wink his eye or something and make everything go back to normal. You never believe anyone's in danger when you have a character like that.
They'd probably put the roster together just as I have it and then make the story revolve around Q.
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