While I was looking for a picture for JPX's Grudge post, I came across this, which I assume is a cast/crew photo for Ju-on. Pretty funny seeing little Toshio holding still for a picture instead of turning into a cat or hiding under the table or whatever other thing he does to scare the bejesus out of me. Is one of those nice ladies behind him his freaky mom? Maybe they're the full-body makeup crew. If he is wearing makeup -- maybe he's like that kid in Powder. Anyway, this would be a darn strange photo out of context.
And who's the amazon in the shorts?
It would've scared you if initially he wasn't in the picture and then, after averting your gaze and looking back at it, he was in the picture. Let's pretend that's what happened.
Crap! Don't even say that. If the blog gets haunted we're all screwed.
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