"The deaths are more violent and graphic. There is nudity - a couple trying to join the Mile-High Club - and the language is more explicit. Actually, Bob Shaye, the president of New Line, was the one who green-lighted the additions" says Ellis.
He also added there were some more than CG snakes in the film - "Yes, we had over 500 real, non-venomous snakes as well as some CGI snakes. The trailer, which is currently making the rounds on the Internet, is rather rough. The shot of the woman with the snake coming out of her blouse needs tweaking as do a few others - when we're finished with post, all of the snakes will be photo-real".
The film, which hits theaters August 18th, centers on a ruthless assassin who unleashes a crate full of lethal snakes aboard a packed passenger jet over the Pacific Ocean in order to eliminate a witness in protective custody. The rookie pilot and frightened passengers must band together to survive."
I've been sucked into the hype of this stupid film and now I'm actually looking forward to seeing it. I think it's going to be the Showgirls of horror.
Snakes on a Plane! I'm so there with you. The only thing that could sink this movie for me is if it's boring. It can be stupid as hell. And they added nudity, too!
Still, I contend that loosing snakes on a plane is the stupidest way to assassinate a specific person. Animals just aren't predictable. There's a Sherlock Holmes story I recently read in which the killer fixes it so there's a snake in the bed of his victim, and it takes SEVERAL TRIES before the snake bites her.
I just noticed this on the site where I snagged the pic.
POSSIBLE "SURPRISE" ENDINGS TO THE NEW SAMUEL L. JACKSON FILM SNAKES ON A PLANE."Scenario Two: After single-handedly killing all snakes on board and landing the plane, Jackson steps onto the tarmac and removes his trench coat only to reveal that he is, in fact, made entirely out of snakes."
And I'd be fine with that.
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