More groovy pics from Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth have emerged. Pay attention here's the thick of the plot: "Pan's Labyrinth is a fanciful and chilling story set against the backdrop of a fascist regime in 1944 rural Spain. The film centers on Ofelia, a lonely and dreamy child living with her mother and adoptive father; a military officer tasked with ridding the area of rebels. In her loneliness, Ofelia creates a world filled with fantastical creatures and secret destinies. With post-war repression at its height, Ofelia must come to terms with her world through a fable of her own creation."

As I commented on February's PL post, I wonder if we're seeing a trend in fictional otherworlds. Off the top of my head I can think of this movie, Silent Hill, Marebito, and Mirrormask. If so, I'm all for it. As a story base, it has far more opportunities for creativity than the "squalid/torture" theme that keeps coming up these days. Of course, it could also go sideways and in eight months we'll be bitching about yet another "magic doorway" movie, involving imagination, self discovery, and little girls who'll grow up into goth chicks.
More pics can be seen here, but I already got the really good ones. Like this bitchin' scary tree.

Don't worry, in the end Hellboy busts in and blows away all the freaks.
Those are really striking, and freakin' creepy! This would go great with Silent Hill, huh?
Eyeballs on hands really bother me for some reason. I still can't look at the original Night Shift cover without goosebumps. Shudder.
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