Animation World Magazine reports that many companies are following the lead of Disney, whose direct-to-video The Return of Jafar, a sequel to its theatrical animated hit Aladdin, led to numerous releases created specifically for the home video and DVD market. "We've had incredible success over the past several years with original production," said Ellen Pittleman, a senior vice president of Paramount.
Paramount's new division plans to release six to eight original DVD productions in the next year, but Star Trek is not currently on the schedule. "The studio is currently contemplating a new feature," said Pittleman. Whether that feature might go directly to the home market, bypassing theatrical distribution where Star Trek Nemesis faltered, is not yet being discussed.
"We look for films that offer a unique, repeatable entertainment experience for a specific consumer whom we can target cost effectively," Pittleman explained. Costs were a factor in the decision to cancel Enterprise on UPN; it would presumably be expensive to create special effects commensurate with those the Star Trek audience has come to expect.
Meanwhile, Moviehole reports that there is "not a snow-ball's chance in hell" of Enterprise returning to broadcast, either on DVD or on television.
"Even if they could pull remnants of the cast together, the show wasn't successful enough to bear reviving - it was cancelled in the first place because the audience for it wasn't very large and it's critical reception, by and large, was not warm," said the unnamed source who spoke to Moviehole's Gossip Monkey columnist. "Paramount will revive 'Star Trek', the franchise, in a few years, with a brand new creative team at the helm, but will do so by making a movie that comes at things from a very different angle - darker, younger, sexier, etc etc etc.'
Did you guys watch this show? I watched maybe the first 6 episodes and thought it was mediocre but then I just kind of forgot about it. Was it awful?
"...making a movie that comes at things from a very different angle - darker, younger, sexier, etc etc etc."
The thing that kept me coming back to Enterprise was that they were working on a larger story about the fusion of Vulcan and human cultures, just giving you pieces of it during stories that were about going to planets, space viruses, etc.
At the time of the story, the Vulcans have a fair amount of dysfunction: they're backing the wrong factions in civil wars, mind melding is considered deviant, and they regard the humans as backward and stupid.
What's interesting is that at some point in the future all that gets turned around, and it does so because of their relationship with Earth. Unfortunately, that plotline got too little attention because of all the going to planets, space viruses, etc.
I chose this picture because she looks AWFUL. Click on it for full size. I called the pic "Enterprise Skull Vulcan."
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