From Moviesonline, "Remember when it was rumored that Tom Cruise or even Justin Timerberlake were goin to play Iron Man? Well fear not its nothing but rumor. For Iron Man has apparently been cast. The role is going to be played by Marc Worden. I have never heard of him and thats a good thing. Nothing makes for a better comic movie then a no name talented actor taking the lead. Stay tuned for more, as we get it we will let you know."
I imdbed this guy and it turns out he's also the voice of Iron Man in the Ultimate Avengers cartoon. Which makes me wonder if someone screwed up with this piece of news. He has done some live action TV stuff, including Enterprise and Six Feet Under, so I guess he looks okay. Unless he was in the Enterprise ep with the hideously fat, mole-covered alien. Or the Six Feet Under ep with the hideously fat, mole-covered art student.
That picture just reminds me that I want that figure.
In fact, I think the film would be a lot of fun if he wore that costume.
That would be great! There'd be steam hissing out of it the whole time, and it would clank. When he opened an access panel, it would be full of gears.
Now I'm not going to enjoy the actual movie. Buuut, there's a good chance of that anyway.
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